Dreaming ninja - ST set


It’s been like years or something since I’ve posted my questionable things here, and thought to give it a try again to see if I’ve improved lol. There are no droprates/locations for now, since it’s from an unfinished dungeon idea.

Katana of Vivid Memories

(Shots on the bottom row are for when the full set is equipped.)

Fight for your dreams, because you deserve to be happy.


  • Tier: ST
  • Shots: 3
  • Damage: 30-60
  • RoF: 115%
  • Projectile speed: 7 tiles/sec.
  • Range: 5
  • Amplitude: 0.4
  • Frequency: 1
  • Effects: Shots pass through enemies
  • On equip: +5 dex, +2 att
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 550

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Here’s what this katana roughly looks like when used (made with the pfiffel editor)

This katana is supposed to support a more relaxed playstyle for ninja, kind of what cbow does for bowclasses. By this I mean that it is really easy to hit the enemies with this katana, but it’s really hard to hit all 3 of the shots. And even when all 3 of them hit, the katana only outdamages the t12 one at a very low defense. So this katana isn’t that great when used alone, but that’s why it’s an ST.

Star of the Wandering Thoughts

Find the light inside, because I know there’s still good in you.


  • Tier: ST
  • When Key Held:
    - MP cost: 25 MP/sec.
    - Effect: +50 HP on self, +5 defense on self
  • When key released:
    - MP cost: 120
    - Damage: 14-1400
    - Projectile speed: 15
    - Range: 15
    - Amplitude: 0.6
    - Frequency: 2
  • Special properties: Shots pass through obstacles
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
  • Feed Power: 490

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Another one of these gamble items where you don’t know how much damage you’re going to make, paired with the wonky shot pattern. However, the more important thing about this star is the fact that it gives additional hp when the key is held instead of giving speedy. I’m pretty sure this kind of idea has been suggested before, so if you know that someone made this type of idea first, feel free to credit them :3c This loss of speedy is compensated by the relatively high additional speed the full set gives.

Armor of Lucid Dreams

Don’t lose your hope, because you can’t get through without it.


  • Tier: ST
  • Stat Bonus: +3 att, +20hp, +8spd, +8 def
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 550

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GIves extremely small amount of defense, but in chance this armor has a nice +8 speed boost and some other minor things. This is mainly to add to the obscurity of this set. Nothing much to say here.

Lost Spirit

Don’t give in, because I’m not ready to say goodbye.


  • Tier: ST
  • Stat Bonus: +5 att, +20mp, +50 hp, +2 def, +4 spd
  • Fame Bonus: 4
  • Feed Power: 490

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Another one of these mediocre rings that won’t be too good without the rest of the set. The additional hp, attack and speed are always nice, but there are better rings for that.

Full set

Here’s all of the set items side-by-side:

Set additional bonus: +100hp, +10att, +8 spd
Overall stat bonus: +170 hp, +20 mp, +20 att, +10 def, +20 spd, +5 dex

Wearing the full set will transform ninja into the following sprite (full spritesheet):

And here’s the mini skin version:

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This set is supposed to embrace the glasscannon nature of the ninja, giving a huge boost in offensive stats and very little defense without draining the mp bar. But to balance the defense loss, this set gives quite a lot of hp. Overall the damage output isn’t too high, since you still have to hit 3 shots at once to deal the maximum damage.
Here’s a rough graph of what the damage looks like with the full set on compared to a few ninja builds:

(the light blue one is the set.)

And that’s about it! Thanks for reading, feel free to give any feedback, I’ll try to improve and work on the set based on it and stuff. Maybe I’ll even finish the dungeon idea this set was taken from if you’d want to see that. Bye lol

Edit: Added more realm-ish names to the items next to the originals for now, balanced things a bit and added defense. I’ll probably try start reworking the skins for now. Thanks for feedback!

Edit 2: Increased star’s damage by 100, moved original names to descriptions, moved spd stats around a bit. Credits to JohnMH for these :slight_smile:

Edit 3: fixed a typo


The 16x16 doesn’t have a face?
Also the names should rather be the description of the items. Make some actual names.


Name is very good when you look on stats and you losing hope that deca added armor without def


The naming convention is great, skins are kind of bland


The sprites and flavor text are 10/10. I don’t know what to think about the set though.


Is it just me or is the shuriken a loot clover


Its a clover but different from all clovers, its extremely rare, therefore its not a loot clover. Do the math.


So it’s a loot clover right


no its a ST clover


This clover looks like nazi symbol. Deca won’t add it.


These names are a bit too campy for rotmg


item sprites look nice


Alright tried to adjust the original skins a bit before completely remaking them, because I don’t really have any other ideas for them and it might take a while to get them done and stuff. But for now here’s the new versions of the skins :3 Added eyes, some clouds to go more along with the set and adjusted the colors a bit:


No it doesn’t


All of the concepts are nice, but a couple thoughts.

  • Shuriken’s average damage is way lower than Doom Circle for 20 more MP cost, so it’s generally not worth it.
  • The 10 Speed on the armor seems a little… much.
  • Maybe move a bit of the full set bonus onto the ring? Like, possibly some of the speed.

Other than that, sprites are nice and the flavor text is cute. I’d move the original names to the flavor text, though, so it looks better.


Aight thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: The things are changed now, feel free to let me know what you think
Edit: typo


At first, I thought this was a dream set for ninja, not an ST set.


dont u mean through

anyways sexy af when can i get it


I LOVE the sprites.
But holy this set gives you a lot of stats, and 20spd and 20 ATTACK?! I’d lower the over all to 10-15 each. Sure you only get 10def which is a lot lower than what you would normally get but jesus…20spd and ATTACK would be pushing the limit a little bit.
Everything else though, I love it.


The katana is an offensive symbol of violence, won’t be added.