Dungeon Idea- Olympus


Please, more comments are welcome, I’d love more feedback.

some sprites I made (not great but I’m not the best spriter)

robe is for hera
helm for ares
seal for Athena
bow for artemis and Apollo (hence the two colors, one is god of moon one of sun)
tunic (leather armor) for hermes
ring for Aphrodite
wand for Demeter (this one really probably needs a different sprite)
trident (staff) for Poseidon
thunderbolt (scepter) for zeus (yeah IK its a super simple sprite, but its a friggin lightningbolt, that outta do)

tell me what yall think :slight_smile:


Incomplete idea, maybe it would be best to organize your thoughts on a Google Doc, and include more information about the mechanics of the dungeon.


Yes, that’s what I was planning to do :slight_smile: this is just to see peoples suggestions and input, etc.



You should make it so half of the bow drops from Artemis and half from Apollo, then you craft them together at the tinkerer


Then it would need to be a Cyan/Blue Bag Drop. Having a two-part item in a white bag is terrible, as the first one is completely useless, and then the second one would be an even bigger gamble, as you’d have a chance of getting the first one again.


I like how the sorcerer is the hardest boss. Hopefully that the sorcerer gets good gear from this dungeon.


Artemis twice?

For number 4 do you mean Aphrodite or the God Of Trickery Dolos?


Note: This is assuming you will be dropping two or more items for each boss.

Artemis is God of the hunt as well, why not give her a Trap? They can’t really share a bow, as they’re two different gods, so allow them to drop two different mid-tier bows that you can combine to make a ‘Bow of Twilight’.

Ares Boss should have high attack, and very sporadic phases, but low health (like the warrior itself). The Helm he drops should give both Damaging, Speedy, and Beserk to Self only, but should also give the user vulnerability (takes extra damage) and a high CD. The Sword should be something with short range, but a high projectile speed and damage (Above Acclaim, below A.S.S). The Sword should also come with a subtraction of Defense and/or Health, really bringing forth the whole glass-canon feel.

Poseidon is a bit confusing, while I agree that in theory, it should be a perfect match, as Wizards use the elements to their advantage as well, I have no idea how to implement a spell bomb for him in a way that makes sense. The trident being a staff is an excellent idea, however. I imagine it ignoring defence and hitting multiple targets, but having about as much damage as a t10 Staff. But I definitely think that the other item he should drop should be a spell of some sort.

Zeus’ Thunderbolt would have to literally be overpowered, as he is Zeus, king of the gods. I imagine that its weakness would be that it can only be used at a close range, with a cooldown that makes you unable to spam it. The other thing he should drop would be a ring, as in true ROTMG fashion, the big boss always drops a ring. It should be a jack of all trades, master of none, but providing enough decent stats so that you won’t feel bad about replacing your Deca with it.

Hera being the Goddess of Magic should drop a Robe and a magical weapon, as she is the Goddess of Magic, I think that the weapon itself should be capable of going on any of the robe classes, being the Dbow of robe classes. As being the Goddess of Magic means that she is a godly enchanter, it’s likely that anything she makes needs to be op to fit with lore.

That brings me to my other point, Hephastus. Since the guy is literally the smith of the gods, you have a dilemma with any items he makes. So I think that it’s a good idea that you’d make it so that he would drop something for a Knight, as a Knight with OP items is still a Knight (50 Att, 50 Dex, still won’t do much with an OP Shield and OP Armor, other than survive). The shield should definitely be an Ogmur-rival/direct upgrade to Ogmur, that also stuns, the set-back, once again, is that a mortal is playing with a god’s tools, thus a high cooldown and mp-cost, meaning that you have to make those 5 shots count. The Armor should be a direct upgrade to Acrop, maybe sporting an attack and Health Buff with a speed and dex downgrade, as when it was designed for a god to wear it, not taking in the fact that it is very heavy to a mortal. So even though the armor is amazing, using it in a Tomb will likely get you stuck in the sand, with no ability to get out quickly as Geb is rushing towards you, no matter the 90 Def you have, you will still get popped.

Necro skull should give self-buff of invisibility and speedy, but also darkness. Not sure about anything else, though, we already have plenty Robes and Staffs at this point. So maybe change it to a Ninja that remains invisible as long as you’re holding down the space bar? This allows Speedy without making it too ridiculous for Necro.

As Hermes is the God of theives, the whole Rouge thing makes sense.


what do you mean by artemis twice?

Aphrodite, I think Dolos is a minor god.


you put artemis in 3 and 4…


-Yes, that’s why I hate her “set” as huntress

-I just don’t know about the idea of mixing. And if you see the sprite above, it kind of matches a mix of the two (it would basically be like the stone guardians, which both drop A.S.S.)

-Yes, but since he is one of the harder bosses his health should still be pretty high. I was thinking about a buff of berserk and damaging (w/out the speedy) for the helm. But an idea that will probably be implemented before this (if this ever is) has a helm that does that, so I was gonna have it do damaging and also monsters within a certain radius take dmg. Sword idea seems pretty solid, if I went for two or more items. Just have to find a good place for it since we already have a lot of swords

-haven’t though much about poseidons spell yet, it would probably be like a normal spell (cept maybe with piercing enemies or obstacles?.. (probably obstacles) and adding a status effect). Trident would have three shot (since it’s a three-pronged trident) which maybe would pierce armor, giving good DPS if you hit with all shots.

-For Zeus’ scepter obviously I don’t want an item that completely ruins using any other item of that sort ahem doku ahem (much lelz) but I was thinking it would do very high armor break damage (with a small possibility of armor break effect) to only a few (maybe 3) targets, with a cooldown. Havent though about a ring for zeus yet.

-Yes, I was thinking robe for her, probably one that focuses on giving lots of extra MP

-I was thinking armor of shield for hephastus, maybe a shield that inflicts daze instead of stun with like 6 or more shots and a bunch of def as a stat boost (maybe +16?)

-I was thinking curse for the skull (since it drops from hades) unless that REALLY has to remain mystic specific. Maybe curse w/ healing effect?

-Yeah, thx (was thinking of him dropping an armor (originally I was planning on a cloak that gave a speedy boost… but… well… ST cemetary cloak has that now.) anyways, the armor would give less defense, maybe as much as t9 leather, but with a giant speed stat boost, plus a little dex like normal leather.

Thanks lots for the feedback man :smiley:


Oh… oops.

Also in regard to you other posts, yes, Sorc need more love :’’(


Please look at the sprites and tell me what you think about them. Are they good enough? need better shape, more shading, change them completely? etc.


This is incomplete, a dungeon idea requires stats and items. Look at some of Puffagod’s ideas.

you said Artemis twice xD

Cool idea just seems WIP to me. :thumbsup:


I know that it is unfinished. I’m currently starting on the google document. Will follow the old format for dungeon making that kabam made (that toastrz used for his dungeons) If I can get ahold of it, that is.


This is terrible please stop




@Toastrz can you please give me the old Kabam dungeon idea outline if you still have it?

(also plz tell me what you think about this idea)



Thx man :slight_smile:

EDIT: this may seem like an immensely stupid question, but how do you attack an image to a google doc so that it actually shows up without you having to click the link?