Encourage Confidence!


Im with you dude, mostly when everyone tries to act like they know whats right about certain things like “the shading on the item is trash” or “this item is not balanced”. Triggers me a lot, same with the community of realm and that they complain about the moutain temple being not hard… Like calm yourself, cause your getting content atleast, also its the first wing for it so it means there would be a part 2 or even a part 3.


Cry more please.

That’s not how this works. How are they supposed to learn how to make good posts if everyone just tells them everything they do is good?

There’s a middle ground between “Wow you’re so good, here’s a gold star for participation” and “GTFO RETARD”. Generally, I try to be fair in my criticism without outright bashing the poor sap who posted his first Ideas thread.

I would also argue that if you can’t take criticism and instantly turn into a shitposter because your feelings can’t handle it, then you were unlikely to post anything constructive in the first place.


Ah shit, not in that way, my bad, I mean’t that you should be as subtle with your criticsm as possible, so that they simultaneously understand and aren’t hurt either.

That was just for the effect, why would i actually become a shitposter?


Yeah that’s what happened to my cloak idea, the Cloak Of Raging Shadows. I thought it was a great idea but they just pointed out every single negative aspect of it.

"The sprite looks weird"
“More DPS on a rogue? That’s stupid”
“Kill yourself”
"Ew why would you make it drop from Red Demon"
That’s just part of the negative feedback I got from my cloak idea. I want to make more ideas, trust me I have plenty, but I just don’t know…


We’re humans, not emotionless robots.



It is possible to be nice and criticize at the same time.

Exactly. And what a big middle ground it is.


My philosophy is: criticize the idea as much as you want, but don’t use strong, emotional words and never, ever commit ad hominem.



In case nobody told you, you should probably use this (and screenshot the result in case it doesn’t want to save for whatever reason).

To be fair… yeah, it kinda is. The whole gimmick of the Rogue class is being able to sit on enemies and deal massive damage thanks to the Cloak. There isn’t really a good reason to put Berserk on top of Cloak when the Cloaking by itself already means you have more true DPS than most other classes (especially since it prevents them from teleporting to you).

Having a Cloak like this would just encourage Rogues to leech the whole dungeon, then teleport to the rusher, cloak in on the boss and deal huge damage with Berserk.

There’s nothing wrong with giving Red Demons their own UT drop per se, but when it’s pretty much a straight upgrade from the t6 ability it becomes a balancing issue.

Then go for it.

Everyone has emotions, but some are more mature in their way of handling them than others.


You see, im actually a wimp, thus I develop my ideas a lot, and put a lot of thought into it, so it can’t be bashed too hard.


So apparently debating = triggered now, ok


Wew lad, chill out.

Are you on a quest to become the most unlikeable person of the community or something? If yes, keep doing what you do.


From now on, this will be the encouragement.


Your ability to take criticism has failed due to a keycoding misformat.


ikr when I died at a skull shrine on my 6/8 void blade/sullen blade ninja all he said was “you fucked up my teleport” :joy:




Funniest thing about this: I have honestly no idea what I’ve done to make you this mad.

I trusted you man :crying_cat_face:


Here’s an idea.

Speak the truth.


When I first joined, I was extremely conservative. That saves me from a lot of flak.


Yeah I’m with you, unless it is intentionally unbalanced try to phrase your points in a way that people can digest without feeling terrible about themselves.

However these people need to remember that we aren’t criticising them or there effort we are criticising there idea… with our criticism the idea wouldn’t improve.


If everyone spoke the truth about a new guy’s idea, he would probably lock himself in his room and commit suicide in 3.1415 seconds. /s

Srsly tho, speaking the truth is fine, but keep it minimal, highlight the good points of the item, look at the comments i leave, i usually downplay the bad parts and speak highly of the good parts, this boosts confidence and obliges them to buy me weed. :maple_leaf: