Entering a portal when quieted


if you get quieted and then enter a portal while quieted you get your mp back

Trivial Issues Thread

Damn, that’s been around for ages. Does anyone have an explanation for why this happens? Obviously entering a portal will get rid of any status effect regardless, but what makes Quiet special that you spawn with full mana? Normally the server “remembers” the amount of mana you had before entering a portal, and you’re spawned in with that same amount.


quiet probably just resets your mana to 0, so when you enter your portal, you go back to original amount. im probably wrong though


You’re right ahaha, good find! Just tested this out w/out quiet; if I nexus with 0 MP, I spawn in the nexus with full. Anything else and it starts at where you were before.

Nexus w/ 0 MP (yay, full mana!)

Nexus w/ 1 MP (ffs…)


nice, i thought that was just for quiet


You can actually take advantage of this, like purposely get hit by the sprite god’s white boomerang before entering a sprite, or purposely get hit by a quiet bomb before entering oryx.


I think until quiet ends it may possibly confuse the code as you should be getting mana or have mana but you don’t do it just assumes full


Nah, see the two clips I posted above. It just has to do with the behaviour of 0 mana.

@RyanYoon nah, even all my main characters are mules when I’m not playing them because I don’t have enough vaults rip. Also who tf flexes with leaf bows smh




Key phrase ig being kindofflex


Hey, lets not complain. DECA might change it if we raise a big enough fuss. Oh wait, this is Realmeye, not reddit. Carry on then.


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