Trivial Issues Thread



I guess I should do something about that

The Achievement Thread

this is like the third time someone’s brought up that topic :expressionless:

ugh stop editing quotes amirite


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5 posts were split to a new topic: Potatoes rotating MBC regain HP and also a trade bug


5 posts were split to a new topic: Entering a portal when quieted


2 posts were split to a new topic: Deleted items in Login Rewards


Where’s the issue? Date seems correct, reward as well…


I left your reply here as it wouldn’t make sense on a separate topic (with the title now explaining).


done by dragging a thing for a very short time.


That will solve the priest underdamage problem! Necro stats, staff, priest heals



you cant equip it tho, also its already been posted here ~2 months ago


*fiery, not firey






Something annoying I noticed:

The dye masks for the stone skins include every part of the character on staff and bow classes (presumably wand classes too), but the dye masks for melees (and I think katana classes) doesnt include their weapon.

This is kind of annoying, as my paladin can’t be a spacy boye like my wizard and archer.

Look at my paladin, archer, and wizard to see the problem:

EDIT: not only does the stone samurai skin not cover the sword, BUT IT DOESNT COVER THE FACE HANDS OR FEET EITHER! This looks aboslutely DISGUSITNG!

This is so sad can we delete the waki?


it gets worse:


those two pixels aren’t part of your helmet, they’re part of the katana.
you can thank me later.


I thought those were part of the helmet, if not then it’s just worse.

This is legitimately annoying to me :frowning: I want my chars to be spacy bois


3 posts were split to a new topic: Umm Bees Please!?!?