Etherite and the Cdirk ~ A proposed change


Buffing a cdirk would in turn slightly buff dagger classes (who are being picked much less frequently because of healing pets and the tank meta). It would be like killing 1.5 birds with one stone.


I agree with life. Melees are top tier right now, dagger classes do need a little buff.


I do agree that dagger classes need a boost


I do agree. I believe rarity of the UT can trump keeping it as a side grade when the rarity is that high.


Well, I guess a 1/1000 UT being better than T12 is better than a trade-able ST being better than T12


That’s true. I think ideally cdirks and other event whites shouldn’t have been as rare as they are. A lot of players don’t get to experience this content as it is just too rare for them to acquire. If they weren’t as rare, they could be treated as more of the ideal “side grade.”


bring back cdirks original flavor txt!


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