Every Server is Full [Seems Fixed Now]


Pretty sure it’s a guy using bots that’s intentionally doing it.
Think I heard it was bert from someone


What is he even trying to achieve? Does he think Deca will stop banning him if he is an even bigger ass?


Pretty sure he doesn’t care about bans at this point considering how many alts he has. I think it’s just an stunt for attention.


apparently Bert said that first week of motmg he would do this


Some servers are open now btw


To USMidWest2!


Aaaaaaaaaaand they’re back down



This isn’t something you see everyday…


Got into the USE3 nexus; I don’t see any bots except the obligatory one for rwt sites.


Apparently he got banned and is mad about it, don’t quote me on this, heard it from some other white star


RIP rotmg :frowning:


If Bert or someone else is intentionally botting the servers full, wouldn’t that constitute as a DDOS attack and depending on the country a criminal offense?

would be hilarious to see a salty player get arrested over this game.


bert finally attacks



Omg you are right!

Austrailia IS FULL :open_mouth:


imagine ruining the game for others just because ur salty


I really enjoy the Heroic Dungeons, but I can’t do them because of the bug with all the servers being full (or Bert?).
I hope it gets fixed soon.


why are people opening heroics?


This will take a while, I suspected bert to do something like this on before motmg.


I just wanted to play my game… Now I guess I’ll go back to age of mythology…