Every Server is Full [Seems Fixed Now]


4 'c’s


deca should make some servers that doesn’t allow light blue stars to join so that the person doing this cant just make new accounts and make the servers full


That is precisely the essence of League of Legends


You only need one block of water within 4 tiles of any crop btw, you can put 4 lines of crops between water lines.


Ik, it just looks nice to me


I made a topic for this. Maybe try it out?


Interesting, but I am not going to chance it by resorting to playing from a browser. If one needs their log-ins then awesome, but other than that, it seems like a dangerous workaround.


I always use browser. Never realized it was dangerous?

I understand your point, though. Just wanted to point out a solution! :slightly_smiling_face:


Did any of you get to try the Heroic Dungeons?


It seems to increase the chance of lag in my experience. With full servers, or near full, there was a lot of lag this AM when it all started (I play from projector). So playing in a browser would be dangerous with regards to lag.


Yeah. Tops drop rate was through the roof as well as ST drop rate. 20 fame per dungeon that takes less than 10 seconds is a little much as well.

That being said mmm tops and fame and sts


I know right, also uts.
I got a dblade in the little time today that I could get on.


Somehow I got like 3 ST sets total but no dbows/dblades :confused:

Can’t really complain though, can I?


I wouldn’t be complaining, plus I already have 2 shows, so I don’t need too many more


Realm players after the issue is resolved


Sorry, *dbows


I looked but I couldn’t find the screenshot. It’s around here somewhere. Does anyone else have a picture of this?


SO ummm I think they should just open testing so we have some cool shit to do still


It wouldn’t be hard for him to start filling testing servers as well, since all the rotmg server ips are public


lmao, i think this is a good represntation for what is going to happen