Fame update made me lose star progress


Hello everyone.
I play this game since childhood, it has been a while (my first account is 11 years old, I was 7) and I don’t have as much time as before to play. Its part of maturing, sadly, but I still get myself a few playing moments. As the game is evolving really fast recently, it isn’t an easy thing to keep pace with the game as an unregular player even though I am glad to see every changes deca has made. New tiered weapons, new classes, new dungeons, enchant system, new gear, seasonal characters… And fame rework. To give a relatable idea of the speed of my adaption to new changes, I am still trying to figure out how to beat Oryx 3.

The thing is fame was reworked. And I love the change. It had to be done. However, I lost star progress with the changes. I may have missed some explanations that could justify what happened, but I wanted to know if any of you know why I am not rewarded rightly for my past achievements. The new fame thresholds are 20/500/1500/5000/15000 alive fame. Some of my characters had reach those thresholds before the rework, and yet don’t have the fair amount of star considering that. Here are some examples

ninja%201%20star trix%201%20star

I left the dates of death of those characters as it may have an influence on the transition. Considering their base fame, I should have 4 stars on both of them, which is 6 less of what I actually have. I hope somebody will have a simple answer or fix for that matter. Thanks for your attention. See you soon for other way more interesting posts



Yes, it happened to many people including me. The fame rework was a complete overhaul. The obvious change was much higher thresholds, so almost everyone lost ranks, many went down 2 or 3 colours (I went from white to red, though I was able to get back to orange same day).

The other major change was changing how fame was earned. The old bonuses on death were gone, replaced with bonuses you earned as you play. The bonuses don’t could for star ranks, only base alive fame, so every star rank is earned while alive.

And because progress is so different some ranks based on previous scores were invalidated. Not all – people still seemed to have some ranks, no-one went back to zero. But I too had a couple of classes which I knew I’d gotten to 5k base fame which were no longer recognised.

I didn’t mind though. Suddenly all my classes had class quests to get and I could start again collecting them, including classes I’d played only once or twice then forgotten. Getting back to yellow seemed a real achievement, and white will be even more so if I ever get there.


Tallying every thing on your real eye you should be at 54 stars.

If you care you can try to send a email to support


I wouldn’t bother with support. At the time there were many complaints but there was a “that’s how it is now” response from developers. Including the game not taking account of previous base fame amounts earned on a char, which was definitely deliberate.

There were other reasons for it that I recall. At the same time they wiped the leaderboards, as the changes to how fame was calculated meant old records were no longer comparable to new ones. Part of the reason was the rampant cheating that meant many of the records were fraudulently earned, so restarting the leaderboards would be fairer.

There were even entertaining bugs. I had one char which when I changed to it my star rank went up, when I changed to another the rank went down, As I was changing chars in the Nexus all of it was recorded on RealmEye. See my rank going up and down, sometimes within a minute, about two years ago:


I Wasn’t the only one. It seemed to happen with chars that had earned their fame “the old way” but were alive over the transition, and had enough fame for one or two ranks. Again it seems the game was actively ignoring fame on some chars that had earned it before the change. But when you switched to the char it treated it as an active char with current fame.


Thanks for the answer. I noticed that the downgrade wasn’t equal everywhere, but you said it, it’s great to have the chance to do everything over again. I went from white to red aswell. Shatter did the math for me, I should be a 54 stars, but I don’t know if I am gonna message the support. Going over class quests again seems like a fun task. But I can’t play as much as before. It’s up to my reflexion. Have a nice day/evening!


Thanks for the math haha. I wouldn’t have mind doing them but I am greatly thankful. I am thinking about messaging the support. Could be fun to go all over farming again. Up to reflexion. Have a nice day/evening!


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