Favorite classes?


My favorites are, in this order, Knight, Priest, Warrior, Ninja.


Never actually read your comment :stuck_out_tongue: Just read his


Right. Melee classes exist too.


Doesn’t that mean they don’t deal any damage while they’re backing up?



However, if you are using that argument to explain why wizard does more damage,

  1. Warrior, at least based off of the dps graph, does significantly more dps so such a short time period of rest should not be very significant in the long run.
  2. More importantly, there is basically only one significant boss in which you can use a EP on until it dies, and that monster is a chest, which has a relatively long immunity time so in that period of time, a warrior could self buff
  3. Against any moving target, sitting on it with a EP is rather difficult while hitting it with a dblade on a speedy warrior is not half as difficult.
  4. Most importantly, we are assuming, for some reason, that the warrior and the wizard are in the same dungeon. However, if attempting to test dps, why would you have two people attacking the same boss? Overall, there is no reason why the wizard should be buffed in this theoretical comparison

Also, just noting, there are alternative choices for swords, such as pixie, csword or ASS while they are backing up and then switch to a dbalde when then get withing that 1. whatever range


so, considering you used a ut weapon for archer, i decided i would use a ut weapon for wizard, since obviously being fair isnt your main idea here.
if we compare tiered weapons you can see that wizard’s tiered weapon has the upper hand. also when you put berserk on both it makes the none ut look even worse compared to the ut, you can’t say "oh well i lag a lot and that means my shots go through so wizard is worse case closed, that doesn’t change the dps, my point isnt that archer is bad, you’re putting words into my mouth, my point is people think archer has insane dps when it really just doesnt.
@Staw i never said archer doesnt have high dps, i said it isnt as high as people say, but i guess you’re gunna just go ahead and put words into my mouth, also yeah, wizzy does have the highest dps in the game until a certain point.
if you’re going to tell me something about ep not being useful on most enemies thats kinda bs since dblade you have to get about a tile from the enemies which would have the same effect, also we’re talking about statistics not common sense.


thats just bullshit, hitting a moving target is equally as hard and i find that it is easier with an ep because of all the shots, saying that its not as hard using a speedy warrior is being biased.

im focusing on the part where the wizard shouldn’t be buffed, isnt that comparing the wizard vs the warrior + the helm? if not why cant the wizard use its ability? and how many times can it? if its one time then that is unfair considering the warrior’s affects all his shots, if the wizard can use it as much as possible then it varies depending on how fast it registers, if its on standing still opponents then the spell bomb will do thousands per shot leaving the warrior in the dust, you cant just say the warrior gets its ability just because its a warrior.


What is EP’s true range? 0
What is leaf bow’s true range

One more question. What boss can you use EP on?


It isn’t that speedy allows you to land shots easier, it’s that dblade is easier to aim then EP.

Light blue stars…


Maybe you have an alternate personality.

Comparing doom bow with cosmic is perfectly acceptable, no wizzy actually carried UTs all the time/when they have slight need for storage, and so does comparing doom bow and EP, just makes note that doom bow (and probably also dblade) true range is about a million times greater than EP (EP can be very slightly aimed ) not talking about how massive warriors’ def/speed/HP can get compared to wizzy, making dblade actually useful for actual enemies.

too bad your assumptions that it is BS is wrong. I would rather take one shot of septavius’ shotgun and get instantly healed to full than get transformed into a stony boi after a loud shout. all sort of omnidirectional get reduced to about an eight or something when using dblade instead of EP. Those directed shots get reduced according to the player’s skill, with the most perhaps reducing to 0% (you get speedy from helm anyway). We can be very formal and set up postulates before we discuss anything and truly throw out ‘common sense’ but I doubt you actually know about the processes.

Btw, I believe there is really low amount of monster that can sap a warrior’s MP dry with the current pets, invul phases, and warriors’ DPS, so we should give warriors perma berserk. Whats the results? see post #250 which actually give an edge to wizzies that of perfect spellbombs with divine pet.

It is very true that archer and huntress have always been the classes with the best damage to range ratio. The best DPS naturally goes to warriors after pets were introduced (used to be only theoretical, now also include in real use)


You can EP a lot of things. I’ve had fun EPing every god except for the Ghost God and Medusa in God Lands. And Test Chests can certainly be EPed, but you don’t need to EP it.
Bosses? OK, maybe just a few. But I know that you can 100% EP Limon from the Sprite World and Dr. Terrible from the Mad Lab. Also, I think you can EP Malphas Phase 1. But that’s about all.


If you have enough people to pure evil walk, and they heal you, you can EP the void entity


That’s like a Test Chest. Except Void version.


And it’s sitting on pure evil


You can technically EP every boss in the game.
Except you’ll die.


(Taken from the Death Thread)


You can only ep void in test chest phase。 I’ve done more than 300 voids, and gotten one shot more times than I can count. You cannot ep void.



Have you ever tried to EP leviathan. Also,just want to note, you named three bosses and ep is not safe on limon if there is a electric pet present you are done. However, dblade can be used against almost any boss


I was just answering your question.


Vijen knows his stuff, you can get insta’d in basically all of void’s phases where he shoots anything