Fix Oryx dupe


Just disable trading in the realm while it is closed. Oh, wait, drop trading? Then make it so all items have soulbound data in the said closed realm. Nobody will get mad about not being able to trade for the 2 minute time span that realm is closed for, except for the dupers.

Spook, a Sorcerer skin by Xaklor

This dupe has been around for FOUR YEARS. However, it only happens when the realm crashes which I haven’t seen happen in quite a while. Sadly, the dupers are now trying to crash realms to trigger this dupe, from ddosing the server to mass multibox spam :pensive:


I know that, and no matter how much they crash the realm, as long as there isn’t a way for them to give an item to another client they can’t duplicate it.


I’ve heard of the Oryx dupe before, but what does it mean? How do people do it?


I believe that falls under the rule of common sense “No we’re not telling you how to dupe”. Realm crashes, bots dupe from it.


Alright. Sorry if it sounded like I was trying to learn how to dupe.


I didn’t really expect you to be trying to learn lol, anyone can probably google it, need bots to pull it off really.

Everytime realm closes, they flood it, trade items, server crashes sometimes, if the server does crash all their traded items get put back in their inventory due to 2 minute rollback.


oh ok


I would honestly be fine if they just disabled trading in realms. Yeah it would be less than ideal, but worth it to fix what I’m assuming is the most common duping method.


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This has been requested for years. It honestly surprises me that it has not been implemented yet. Even though it’s obvious to us (as players), maybe it’s not so obvious to the developers?


Just disable trading in closed realms.


Did you literally read the title and then ignore every comment in order to post this?


aw I meant to reply to Masondeanm. my b


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