FriendsUnited Recruiting [EUW2]


guess we have a different view on fun. I found it less stressing, much funnier and warmer to wait for opener (who paid real money) to say go at a chest than having to be attentive on shooting it as in public stuff.

If time is really your issue (which is just a mere seconds), I’m pretty sure you will be a bad candidate for this guild. If you are in such a hurry you probably are one or several of : nearly never taking attention to others/play with ally fire off/greedy yourself, sorry to say. If you can’t take 3 sec to check where are your guildies while the opener say go but can’t stop yourself from running towards chest and hitting it while invul, well… welcome to public dungeons, but it’s not a good attitude imo.


I guess we do have different views and I repsect that. Idk if it sounded like if I was trying to be a canidate but I’m not.


im intrested


Im intrested if your still recruting


friendly bump :stuck_out_tongue:


A small bump! Great, promising guild with nice people and a good founder.


I like to join


random bump


small bump


Would love to join


Intrested. ^^


I am kinda bad. Wait, REALLY bad. I perform well in CO-OP but no one is usually up to play. :c


Am interested…


I am interested and would like to join but i do have a question.
Does this guild have a discord?


yep we do, the link for discord is in the ghall :slight_smile:


im interested c: and my graveyard is open(dont judge me for my chars :s) u still recruiting?


Interested do i have to pm you in game?


Hey I’m very intrested to join the guild! :smile:


I would like to join :slight_smile:


I would like to join