Goodbye giveaway ;w; [Closed]


When I made a shitpost and got a shit ton of likes. xd


Ahhā€¦ butā€¦Butā€¦!


Shame that you had to leave, I quit back during Kabamā€™s time for a year, came back only a few months into deca, never heard of you but hopefully you enjoyed your time in realm.

One of my best (and funniest experiences) were back in 2013? (I think), I got a jugg from sphinx and instantly went and made a warrior, he died at level 15 lul, was a funny day, till I never got an event white since then ;-;


Pls donā€™t be sad peeps, yā€™all just too slow :slight_smile:
am normies btwā€¦


itā€™s over man. itā€™s all over.


When do we get results?


I have to say, my favorite experience was when I got my first white. The excitement of getting a PW from a sprite kinda hooked me onto this game. Hopefully I can keep playing!




one good experience for me was getting the name Kanye


;w; i missed giveaway goodbye glawi :frowning: i remember when you had like 100 ub hps


A person promised to give me a Slime Wizard skin if I brought him 8 dex in the beginning of my rotmg adventure. It took a whileā€¦ but it taught me the basics of the game and trading. He changed me from a nexus begging kid into a real player. I feel as if I gotta keep playing to help those under me reach a point in which they can consider being ā€œgoodā€.

Also pls give hunstman, brigand, or agent skin if I win


One good experience was comming back to this game after 5 years or so and finally understanding and leveling up stats on a char up to 6/8 for the first time


My most favorite feeling on realm was when I maxed my first char with the help of my friend. I couldnt have done it without him and Iā€™m glad heā€™s my partner. This game will always be my favorite.


getting that sweet, sweet, ogmur


tbh that duping period when u could find pyras and juggs just sitting around was awesome


People still trying to enter the giveaway even though itā€™s closed already and awaiting the results now.


A good experience I had in RoTMG was when I got 44k alive fame. I am a heavy fame trainer and Lost halls farmer. Have yet to get a LH white :c


Reported for account sharing :rofl:


See. I might steal it and I might be using it. However, i never directly admited it soā€¦ No evidence :smiley:


holy shit are yā€™all blind? it says ā€˜waiting for resultsā€™, and op announced that itā€™s over.