Help.... read below [how to 8/8 safely?]


random irl story! Do not drink any potions you get, instead save them on mules so you can instamax a charcater


but my mule is full, so what do I do? btw that irl story is cuz xeno started it :confused:

Ima just use a farmer, since my flash works


Mule full? Make 2 more mules.

Mule always wins.


I can and will recommend not using mules/farming accounts. Ye, it is tempting to to so, but you will learn much better if you only use a standard account.
Go there, die a few (hundred) times, but learn the game progressively. You will lose all your items and have to start from scratch quite a lot, but that will teach you how to max 8/8 from nothing, eventually :3


Itā€™s not very time efficent to do so, if you want it without waiting years to get good just save ALL of you potions and use mules (faster and more efficent to do so)


Make more, its easy, (to get more emails just do and move each version with a period counts a diff email)


Iā€™ve played for nearly 8 years now and I still dieā€¦ allā€¦ theā€¦ timeā€¦ However I play like an autistic child with the bravery of superman. So play like youā€™re at half health 24/7. See a huge shotgun coming? nexus. Starting to get low and your running into another big group? Nexus. Keep one finger on the nexus 24/7. Conservative players get so much farther. It doesnā€™t matter if you get loot if your just gunna die with it. That life potion isnā€™t worth trying to kill nut as he goes into rage (triggered)

TL;DR donā€™t be me


I donā€™t want lose all my hardworked items all for nothing, and ill just do the farmers way :slight_smile: just more worth to die on u farmer than to die on u 2/8 char

but it needs to be verifiedā€¦

I guess Iā€™m like ya, reason why I died with my 3/8 knight, bravery I had was go straight into O2 and didnā€™t knew that he isnā€™t immune to stun, then got popped by his shotgun,


If you use your main email with periods, it will send the verification to that email without periods, weird but it works I.E main email is and i register it will sent the verfication to the first one


ahhh ok, so Ima use my main email then add periods.


My first 6/8 only took me like a week.

8/8 followed quickly after (learned to use Realmeye to make some profit pretty early)


Get 2-3 extra charslots, so you can use disposable farming wizards to get pots for your main char.


yup will do that, losed my 3/8 archer recently :confused: couldā€™ve used farmer, oh well

wanna know how I died? rushed in first room of UDL then vampires rushed in and raped me to bout 4n 0 and drank HP, but I stepped back and theres a trap there, and got shrekt, couldā€™ve drank all of the hp pot

lesson learned, nexus when u reach 2/3 of ye health, or drink all HP pots


this guy donated me MG sword and told me to sell for 3 life and sell each life for 8 def, so generous <3


btw does the 3rd ability of a pet even matters? I feel like it doesnā€™t


BS. I KEEP PRESSING R AND IT STILL DIDNT WORK -_- and I have only 3 life leftttt!!! and all that def is in there!!! and all my damn hard worked pots is in there!!

forced to sell that 3 life for 24 def again -_- rng doesnā€™t want me to literally get any good thing


calm down i lost good stuff too, too careless in ice tombs lost freezing quiv in same chain and other whites


which server is popping ice? I wanna leech life -_-


USE2, USNW is popping


The best class for you do is gonna be pala


which time in PH/US?

mhmhmhm I donā€™t want to try it but ok, ill try getting past 3/8 with necro before trying it, seems op cuz of seal