Horrible Ignored Bot still talks


Hopefully this is the right part of the forum.

There’s an annoying bot with a passive-aggressive message that promotes some other game cheats. I have ignored it, but when I re-enter a realm from a dungeon, I can still see its message.

I am not a hateful person, but this little s*** triggers me.

How does it prevent “ignore” from working?

What can I do to actually ignore him?

I can post a picture if you don’t know what I’m talking about, but would rather not give it any exposure.


This has happened to me before. Type /ignore [name] and make sure you see that - 08%20PM


Thanks I’ll try.


Besides using the command, you can also right click on either the message in chat or the text bubble, then click Block.


He’s using different accounts


That’s the problem, if I right-click I have the option to unblock, not to ignore it. I’ll try the text command tomorrow.


is it removed?


Pretty sure it’s this, I’m constantly getting PM’d by bots nowadays. If I ignore it, another will PM me soon enough.


If I recall a site that was “used for less lags” (we all know what site it was) went psycho and accounts got stolen. That’s why there’s so many bot PMs happening right now.


Here’s a picture to show what puzzles me: when I right-click, it seems the bot is already in my ignore list. Why and how can I see its message anyway? If this were a different account, I should be able to ignore it, no?


Please don’t mention it by name, in case someone finds out about it reading this forum.
I’m getting so irrationally angry. I mean not with you lovely people, it’s the effect of the little s*** bot.


I took a quick look at the bot’s realmeye, and it looks like it’s at 2 stars. That means that if you go into your chat settings and set them to ignore everything 2 stars and below, you should be rid of this particular bot. And several others, for that matter.


I like talking to noobs :cry:
But thanks, I appreciate the help. I’ll try typing the command as @SkySlurp said, and if it doesn’t work I’ll do this.
Still wondering how he does it, but maybe it’s better if I let go for now and go to sleep :slight_smile:


Where can I find this bot btw, wanna see if I can ignore it or not.


It’s in EUW

not sure which realm


Yeah it’s the same fucker using different account most likely. I haven’t been playing too much recently but I’ve still blocked at least 12-15 of their accounts😡


Oh, I misunderstood your question



;-; I killed the bot accidentally, started PMing it a lot then it went offline

But from what I could tell, when I ignored it everything was quiet.


Oh god thank you for doing that, you are a god send


You’ve done a valiant and heroic deed that shall be told for generations to come. Have a badge of honor and bravery