Is It Still Possible to Dupe?


dupe methods? multiple thousands, have fun



@Shatter close please. It’s became a conversation about how to dupe now and where to find it. Also needless attention grabbing


Wait what if DECA is willing to buy them just for the sake of patching them :o would that be a gud solution?


Why wasn’t even auto closed? I thought we weren’t allowed to talk about duping at all here @moderators


God I hope you’re kidding

We are not promoting nor sourcing


With dreaddrake, we can never tell


I don’t recall being that guy.


You’re willing to spend 2-3k euro? LOL


Also the person whos selling it will only sell it to vouched traders


To answer my own question. Not very long


What’s wrong with Deca “buying” dupe methods? Many tech companies like facebook pay bounty rewards for reporting security vulnerabilities.


A security vulnerability on a site such as Facebook means a lot of people could have their personal information and private conversations leaked.

A duping method on RotMG means a bunch of pixels get duplicated.

Not exactly the same, in the grand scheme of things.


I don’t undestand :thinking:


Yeah, also DECA wants money, so I doubt they would use money to buy a dupe just to patch it


It certainly is still around. I’ve heard talk on discord that there are people that sell the dupe method for literally 10 grand, which is probably how RWT websites never run out of items to sell. I should hope deca fixes it ASAP, though it’ll probably never get fully eliminated. Ruining the game.


True. Realistically, DECA wants to spend as least effort as possible on fixing duping since they want people to be playing continuously (DECA doesn’t make a lot of money from RotMG so closing the game down for actual, meaningful patches could cut into revenue). So buying security leaks from hackers would probably be a financial deficit. However, this means the game will never be able to last as long as DECA initially proclaimed.

Longevity of this game doesn’t look too great atm, sadly.


Mate, DECA’s not going to fund the shady lives of the people that ruin their game.

IDK where you’re grabbing that from.


I got it from the forums that shall not be named. Although the guy tracking the data for sales wasn’t going through everything (like vault and character slot purchases), he tracked data for key sales and it didn’t look very promising.


If your talking about abe or w/e his name is, the devs had a good laugh over his random numbers.


So how was it considered random? It’s not like he was just pulling numbers out of his ass.