Is this just me? [my character keeps moving and doing shit]


my character, when I stop moving, keeps moving and doing shit it was supposed to do about 15 seconds later, and this includes moving, shooting, opening the options menu, etc.


i think that would just be lag? liek when the options open later, did u press it earlier?




its not just you my friend


You’re lagging, you need to stop playing on the browser and start using flash projector, this lag will kill you sooner or later.


It’s most likely lag, Click this
Try using the flash player, if it ensued then it might be your internet or pc. best of luck


I know exactly what you mean. This happens only on one of my computers that’s worse, not my other 2. And I use flash on all 3


This happened to me in Firefox particularly. Advice, as always, use flash projector.


Yeah I’m not playing, I’m just in the nexus. So, does it ever go away or do I have to play on another browser or something

And yes, I tried opening options like 10 seconds before it opened the menu


Literally everyone is telling you to use flash projector, do you even read?


Not if I don’t have to. I want to know if the problem will go away


It won’t go away unless you use flash player. That’s what we are trying to say.


I’ll get flash


Any flash projector 18 or pre-18 should do the trick. Above 18, the lag comes back.


this happened to me and i died and i need to get help does anyone know an email or something i could email about it?


Main screen, click support


Happened to me. My two rebuild attempts (priest and pally) both died from udl slimes that way :confused:


It took a while for my sarcasm filter to complete before I could reply to this but…

You could email Deca support. You’ll get an autoresponder saying “we don’t revive chars”. Their policy is strictly “we don’t revive chars”.


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