JimdaFish's Okey-Dokey PPE Thread


I want a ppe like that… this is soooo good man. Like this is one of the ppes that would get loads of views on youtube


Love was in the air. As were arrows. Lots and lots of arrows.

Oryx’s minions were expressing their love in the only way they knew how; by trying to dismember our hero and her friends. And in return, the Nexus crew was more than happy to beat them up in the hopes of getting their hands on some romantic items of destruction. But first, Stormrage made a new friend:

“I could put this on you!” Stormrage exclaimed to Shuriken. “You’d look cute!”

Shuriken gazed back calmly at this night elf he had sworn to protect from all of the evils of the realm with a gaze that simply said “I know where you sleep at night.”

Saddened that her cat did not want to play dress-up, our hero instead went with some other adventurers to mow the lawn. Unfortunately, the lawn attempted to mow them in return, and a fight broke out. The adventurers were victorious, and Stormrage got a new frisbee so she could play catch with Shuriken:

Unfortunately, the frisbee landed in the lake on the first throw. Going down to retrieve it, Shuriken was attacked by a bunch of undersea beasts, so Stormrage killed everything like usual. She also got half a heart:

She never got the other half, though.

And then she found the gruesome remains of a fellow adventurer who had been kidnapped by Thessal’s goons, and admitted to murdering King Alexander in an elaborate insurance fraud scheme. The goddess had not been amused.

Back to the garden to collect some flowers for Shuriken to eat (he’s vegan btw), Stormrage found a small critter in dire need of adopting…

…as well as all that was left of a hapless adventurer who had succumbed to the thorns of the angry plants:

In recognition of her outstanding dedication towards weed management, the Nexus gave her some handy items:

Stormrage opted to stop there, since she couldn’t use a quiver anyways.

Then a door to the secretive underground maze opened up, so she hopped in and killed everything like usual. One of the weird sorcerer dudes gave her a bathrobe:

“So… it doesn’t close in the front? At all?” she asked.


“Alrighty then. Maybe not.”

And then she got a sheep:

So now that I was able to run a Bella’s as well as a Mayhem someone randomly popped, all Stormrage needs to get the Season’s Beatin’s bonus is Rainbow Road, Heroic UDL and Heroic Abyss (I really hope those come back soon). Then the only standard dungeon she needs is Oryx’s Sanctuary and then she completes everything.


I’m trying. I really am.

Stormrage found herself quite enjoying spelunking with her fellow adventurers. The radiant glow of the crystals anchored in crevasses all around her and the steady drip, drip of the cavern’s green liquid melded nicely with the screams of her dying comrades and war cries of the armed, sentient fungi. That being said, she hoped this would stop soon.

The enemies had different ideas, though. Unwilling to give her what she longed for, they opted instead to provide her with just about everything else. Already with a few shields, fungus books, crystal prisms and other such items in her possession, Stormrage kept getting more:

“I have four of these. Give me something else.”


“I mean, that’ll work, but it’s not what I had in mind.”

“You want some swords?”

“No, but Shuriken can eat them. Listen: I really need this trap. Once I have this trap, I can go do something else and my readers don’t have to listen as I talk to them about mushrooms for the fiftieth time. My PPE thread is stagnating without any real progress, and I want to move on. Can I please just have the trap?”

“Best we can do is make you invisible.”

“I mean, at least it’s my first one…”

The search for actual PPE content continues!


wait… i was wrong? how can this be…


You tried your best. I tried my best. This could be a while.


I stand corrected.

We made it to second place huntress, though.

A tree. A freaking tree, man…

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Realm Rewind 2021


“Stormrage! NO!”

The powerful cat hurries to his friend’s side. The wounds left by the tree’s lashing branches are deep in Stormrage’s side. Summoning all his power, Shuriken finds himself unable to do anything to heal her.


Shuriken doesn’t understand. Stormrage wasn’t like the others he had accompanied; she was invincible! She had held firm where others fled, leading her compatriots to victory after victory while surviving countless attempts on her life. Other heroes had fallen at Shuriken’s side, but this time was supposed to be different. Stormrage wasn’t supposed to die.


He can’t accept this. He grabs her armor in his teeth and tries to drag her back to safety, but she seems so heavy now. He tries again to heal her, but to no avail. There is nothing he could do.



Laying in the pet yard late that night, Shuriken can’t sleep. The other cats had tried to comfort him, but none of them had known Stormrage the way he had. Finally, after many hours, he sees a faint humanoid outline just beyond the fence.

Leaping over the short barrier meant to keep the kittens contained, the great cat makes his way to the ghost of his late master. There is serenity in Stormrage’s gaze; a kind of peace he had never seen in her.

“I tried to protect you, Stormrage. I… I failed.”

“You failed at nothing, my friend; in fact you succeeded. You gave me a longer life than I ever thought possible. Together, we did amazing things, and I know you’ll do the same for the next hero you deem worthy.”

“It won’t be the same.”

“No, it won’t. It’ll be even better.” Stormrage placed her ethereal hand on Shuriken’s head, and a feeling of great power coursed through him.


haha tree go brr sad cat now

now you have much orang number buy all the nexus bps and then do account reset to max shuriken



Well, that was depressing. All things considered, it didn’t turn out so bad for Shuriken; with a boatload of fame from Stormrage’s untimely demise, I was finally able to do some stuff:

Yeah, there was a lot more feeding than just this; my fuse bait cat ate over 230k fp all together in a massive item purge (most of the fp was from Stormrage-obtained items).

Here’s the result (sorry for terrible framerate):

Except I’m a bit more of a tiger person, so I promptly spent a few thousand extra fame (for the first time in my realm career, I actually have way more account fame than I need):

Glad I got that in before the fame price changes, and the whole operation would have been impossible without Stormrage’s fame and loot-grabbing skills.

Subtle hook flex there.


Shuriken big and strong now! I still am in awe of that ppe… are you planning on taking a break from ppes for a little bit now, or are you gonna start one soon?


My irl stuff is going to be pretty busy for a bit here, so I think steering clear of PPEs for a while would be a good idea.


No fucking way man, no fucking way. And you died to A TREE. A FUCKING TREE


98 on the dead character base fame leaderboards. I loved this thread so much, I know its stupid but it honestly makes me cry a little over stormrage’s death


That’s how I felt about her. Never thought this thread would end.


Born on May 2nd, 2020. Died on March 13th, 2021. 115137 base fame, 325403 death fame. An uncountable number of white bags. Final words, “Where the hell is my Cave Dweller?”


Stormrage, EASILY the greatest PPE thread ever on the realmeye forums, and inspired me and probably many other people to create their own in this style. God damn it JimdaFish.

A toast, to the best there ever was. Stormrage.


@RopeCope, please try to limit your posts to only one or two replies, in order to avoid clogging up the thread. thanks


I had nine free hours yesterday, and decided to put them to use.

Upon hearing that there was indeed a new class, and furthermore, a campaign to get stuff for said new class, I obtained a bouncing baby summoner and immediately set out on a quest to kill every tree I saw. But before that happened, I had some leveling to do:

I won’t bore you guys with the small, tiered, low-level equipment increases I get because they are small, tiered and low-level, but you’ll see them from time to time. Despite my own lack of competency after not playing for a full month, our summoner friend successfully lived to reach level 20.

RIP MrEyeball; you will be missed.

Now, as the responsible parent of a bouncing baby summoner, it is of course my duty to ensure a certain degree of education for my child. I signed her up for some schooling in the Sprite World, with mediocre success:

After some difficult number crunching, our summoner (guys, I need a name) was rewarded with a nice sweet treat!

Then she fought a big snake lady and got a weird stick that can’t aim:

Well, that was fast.

A short while later, she got the zoom zoom ring:

But then she squeezed a weird sand genie thing really hard and it gave her a different ring. Now that I’ve typed that out, it sounds really weird:

That’s the first half of stuff that happened yesterday. Since I’m not going to be playing as much as I was with Stormrage, I’ll break it up a bit more so I can post somewhat regularly-ish. Also, if anyone has name suggestions for her, let me know.


i like kanye euwest


Im feeling Jhin Carry