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Every time I try to launch the testing server it proceeds to load half way through, an error message pops up, and then crashes. Is there anyway to fix this I would really appreciate


This is more of feedback on the nature of testing itself and less on the actual things being tested, but is it possible to not have prod events while testing is going on? If you really want good turnout for testing, then shouldn’t the goal be to encourage people to actually show up?


Killing off Flash is only the first easy step. The backend is still going to be spagetti. Rebuilding it without breaking anything is the real challenge.

I haven’t seen anything in this thread that comes close to that. Can you be more specific?

For the love of Oryx, please take this part seriously and delete the entire chat filter list.

I was hitting major vault bugs on every visit for the first day of the new vault. I considered that game breaking. Now I get a few minor vault errors here and there, and they’re always fixed by reentering the vault in the worst cases. I’d say the vault bugs were fixed, even though there’s obviously still some issues lingering. Realm has never been totally reliable like that anyway.


Ok, straight up this is not an 8-Bit game and trying to use that as a justification for how simple or easy it should be to make having zero bugs ever be realistically attainable is just asinine. It uses some 8-bit styled sprites, and saying that makes it “8-bit” in terms of programming complexity is like saying that Dwarf Fortress is simple because it looks like it might be.

Not to mention many actual 8-bit games had plenty of bugs, so that statement’s nonsense in the first place.

To be frank, this reads as incredibly naive. Artists do not fix bugs. Designers do not fix bugs. Engineers fix bugs and create the things that the Artists and Designers make. Players don’t buy fixed bugs, they _do_buy new things.

And the usual armchair-developer advice of “just” hiring more engineers means training each and every one of them. There are lots of actual studies (that I know nobody arguing for that have read) on how much productivity is lost on hiring new people and for how long, as well as the effects of diminishing returns on hires in engineering.



i was uh … joking. i didnt expect to actually get rings. thanks tho deca, i look like a frickin prophet now


You seem quite misinformed on quite a few levels.

First: assume that Deca is working within their budget. New content is where they get their income/budget.
Suggesting that they delay producing new content for the sake of quality and bug fixing is counter productive for a few reasons.

  1. It reduces their budget since they sell less content (For example, they sold tons of keys in this recent event.) Not having events and updates simply means they sell less stuff, and have fewer people playing the game.
  2. Because they would have a smaller budget, they’d also have to make budget cuts. This means fewer programmers available to actually work on fixing bugs. You see how this downward spiral goes, right? In reality, if you want them to fix more bugs, they DO need more programmers, more ‘manpower’ to tackle them. How do they afford that? The answer lies in content. They are doing all the right things right now, they just need to keep releasing quality content, even if it’s a bit buggy, and making money. Eventually we can hope that they can scale up and afford to tackle bugs more agressively.

You mention Kabam, and actually you’re very mistaken. Kabam took over rotmg at a rough time, when item duping was a huge issue, and actually Kabam did a really solid job at addressing it. In their first year they released tons of new dungeons, and they never had many big bug issues to speak up (Aside from the ongoing duping war.) Kabam’s downfall was around a year in, when they more-or-less just gave up. They stopped producing content and eventually sold RotmG to Deca. Deca’s strength over Kabam has largely been due to Deca’s community interaction, and regular events. (Kabam would make new ‘content’ but ‘events’ were always pretty tame and rare.) All-in-all, I’d say bugs were way more rare under Kabam than Deca, but Deca has clearly done superior. They’ve generated a much larger player-base as just one example.

The General Chat Thread

There is a bug with the vault where if you have a large amount of items in your gift chests you will have to stay in your vault for a long amount of time or nothing will save and no matter what, even if you wait it will take several minutes to reenter the nexus afterwards. All of the AoO rings seam to have reasonable stat bonuses and the new scepter is much better than before,




Just today, I’ve had so many bugs. The vault bug still isn’t fixed, my dungeon conpletions for ancient ruins aren’t showing, the fame bonuses are messed up, they’re still showing equipment bonus and the boosts are all wrong, it always shows the wrong amount of stats to max when you check on your character select screen, if you get your stats buffed it shows that you’re unmaxed there, a lot of the time quests show the wrong name or image, sometimes your buffs will be centered on the wrong place, sometimes even if you don’t have the full st set on, it will show you as having it, sometimes skins don’t show up, if you try to teleport to your guild mate in a new server it will still show the tp cooldown and you will have to type it out, the player list almost never updates, sometimes you don’t even have to wait in queue and you can somehow get into a realm without waiting, if you go against an object you’ll get a bunch of random lines on your screen, some players have names with random squares in them, some people have their text swapped around, the realm portal names still are weird, and there are several more.

The game has so many bugs right now, but if you think these bugs are fine, alright. But this is a pretty big game, bugs shouldn’t be in the game. And even if there are, there should only be a few minor bugs that don’t really affect anything.


That’s not specific enough for anyone to work with

This is even more broken in testing so I assume they are still working on this system

I would assume this is a product of latency

Ah, so the /tp command works? Thanks!

This bug should have a higher priority than most in this list

It seems that your spot in the realm is reserved for about 30 seconds if you are disconnected. This includes when you die.

Never seen this in-game, but maybe on RealmEye.

Is that a bug or criticism?

The rest of this list I would consider low priority bugs. Some of them will probably get a slightly higher priority because they’re new and those systems are still fresh on devs’ minds.

Lets not forget that this game client is still relatively new. 1.0 release was at Flash’s retirement. Even then, no game is bug-free no matter how amazing and well funded the developers are.


The list isn’t based on priority, its based on bugs I see on a daily basis.

The same it always has been, if you place something in your vault chest it shows it went in when it doesn’t go in and the item is gone.

You assume? Seeing as they aren’t fixing any bugs I’d assume they aren’t going to get to it very soon.

Yes it does work, but you shouldn’t have the tp cooldown animation when you’re teleporting to you guild mate. You should be able to teleport to them without haveing to wait 100 seconds or type it out in chat.

It happens anywhere even if you haven’t gone into the realm yet. I think you can spam as well and somehow get in before other people in queue

This is in game and I’ve seen it many times

Some portals are called stuff like nexus.portal something which it shouldn’t be.

Sure a few of these are small bugs, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be fixed. I think small bugs should be much easier to fix and they should be fixed pretty quickly after the bug is found.

Oh right and a lot of the time your ability will randomly pop out, whenever you try and check your quests it’ll say come back tomorrow which you have to leave it and come back to see your quests and sometimes it’ll show you have 0 gold and 0 fame. Plus, quests and the calendar should reset by itself, it should not need you to close and re-open your client. And, when you create a new character, it says unknown on the creation date.
If you want to see a lot of bugs, you can check Trivial Issues Thread you can probably go back several months and the bugs metioned there are probably still in the game.

Sure it is a half a year old client, which has had a lot of work put into it before it, but lets face it. Most of these bugs have been in the game for too long. Maybe they’re incredibly difficult things to fix, like maybe changing a realm portal name is a 500,000 lines of code fix, but it should get fixed nonetheless.

They have programmers, they have a shit ton of money from huge whales who spend hundreds every event, and they have a game client that needs fixing.


I like how there was absolutely no comment made on you having completed -374 manors…
Obviously something about this is real glitchy and not ready for prod if you can just do that


I agree 100% with this.

Also the free shield rune was too enticing for most people and they did not participate on the testing server.

I wanted to pop in and say I was disappointed that the testing server had the same fame for feeding pets as production.

Will the fame costs increase with the update? It would be nice to evaluate the fame rework knowing what future fame purchases will look like.

It also appears that creating quick death characters still benefits you far more than making long term characters that survive.

It’s very hard to test realms on the testing server because literally nobody is in them.

Overall I felt that the bounty hunter dagger was nerfed to harshly and that the predator bow should be a direct upgrade from covert. Covert is bad (when are the bow reworks coming).

The transparency changes were good in my opinion.


I spent a very large amount of time testing this update (upwards of 24 hours) and I have a bit of a giant text wall of feedback.

I’ll start off with the fame rework. ParabolicalX on reddit did a great job of expressing everything I think is good and bad about this, so I’ll just link his post instead of writing about it at length.

Now, onto the weapons.

Firstly, Oppressor’s Staff feels far too weak for it’s disadvantages. I would suggest an increase in the ROF to 80% along with the changes on testing, allowing it to narrowly beat t14 at low DEF (and get progressively better at high DEF).

Now onto Predator Bow - I think the point of this weapon should be to function like a bow version of EP. It was only broken because landing 3 shots let it beat every other bows dps. The changes on testing do help bring it more in line with other bows, but it still beats tier 14 at every defense level only hitting 3 shots. Along with the current changes, I would lower it’s ROF to 70% but add an extra projectile. This would make it’s 3-shot dps lower than t14, but leave it’s 6-shot dps about equal to current levels.

Henchmen’s Claymore probably got the largest buff out of all the items, but I still think it is a little too weak. It feels very much like a slightly worse pixie sword, only passing it in dps past 90ish DEF. I think a straight damage buff to (80-110) per shot would bring it more in line with the dps it should have, still losing to pixie at low def but beating it a bit before 50 defense, giving it a more useful niche.

Finally, Bounty Hunter Dagger got a solid buff, but it still isn’t a particularly useful or interesting item. With the testing changes, it effectively functions as a slower t13 dagger with obstacle pierce* added on. I really don’t know how I would go about changing it because there are already daggers for basically every role, and any changes to bounty hunter would just power creep already existing daggers. I think the best option would be to keep it at 3 shots but hugely increase the shot spread (up to maybe 15 degrees), while buffing the fire rate back up a bit so that it slightly outdamages cutter.

*I think part of the reason this dagger is so hard to balance is that it’s primary gimmick is only marginally useful in a very small portion of content.

Next up, I will cover the abilities that received changes.

Blacklight Artifice is actually somewhat usable now, but I still think it isn’t quite where it should be. On a maxed divine pet, it has very slightly more dps than vile trap, but because of the cooldown it lacks the burst damage capability. I ultimately don’t think this item needs a cooldown at all (if this is in place for performance reasons, just buff the damage).

Cursed Spire Spell - Frankly, I already thought this spell was incredibly strong. Thankfully, adding boomerang shots doesn’t do too much to make it even better, so I think it is still well-balanced, with a few more opportunities to make use of it.

Siege Scepter - After the buff, this actually feels somewhat useful. I still don’t think the daze is super reliable, but having it trigger every few ability uses actually does noticeably effect gameplay. However, I think the bigger issue with this scepter is actually external; Scepter of Devastation is too strong. There is a reason that devastation is effectively a must-have for sorcerer, and I think a nerf to it’s supreme power is well-deserved. I think the only real problem with it is how spammable it is, so I would increase the MP cost drastically (70MP->110MP). With devastation less overwhelmingly good, other scepters should be able to shine a bit more.

Seal of the Battle God now feels like a swapout worth carrying. The slightly longer duration of the attack increase and the stats on equip make it into the item it always should have been; a dps-oriented seal trading survivability for damage. The change to a percentage-based threshold is also a good one.

Tyrant’s Toxin having it’s -SPD proc removed is a wonderful change that doesn’t hurt the balance of the item much, but makes using it much less annoying.

Tome of the Tarnished Gods and Brutal Buckler were both changed to percentage-based triggers, which helps them act more consistently with other threshold-based procs.

Finally, I would like to suggest a buff to Helm of Exalted Might. This item, while it looks good on paper, is very underwhelming to actually use. First of all, I would remove the chance-based explosion proc entirely as it serves very little purpose. Then, I would increase the duration of the DEX increase to 4 seconds from 3. This should give the helm a more solid role as a dps monster that requires good timing to use well, instead of only increasing average damage by a tiny amount.

In order of slots, armors are up next. This section will be very brief.

I think all 3 armors were changed for the better here, and I wouldn’t make any changes to any of them. They all function very well as a good in-between for dps and survivability, largerly performing worse in terms of dps than their more damage oriented counterparts (mercy’s bane, centaur shielding, tenne, and vesture), without being too survivable.

Now, the rings.

Firstly, Ring of Wrath is a strong but not overwhelming survivability ring, offering a good mix of HP, DEF, and VIT. The stats are spread nicely across the partial set bonuses and all-in-all I think this ring is probably the best balanced of the 3.

Autarch Amulet is also quite well balanced, but I feel like it focuses a bit too much on defense. Changing the +5 DEF granted at the 3 piece bonus into +5 SPD would make this ring a bit more useful, especially since many of the agents of oryx items require good positioning on the part of the user.

Lastly, Mayhem Medallion feels like too many of the bonuses are locked behind the full set. Expecting people to always equip full AOO sets is ridiculous because of the situational nature of the weapons/abilities. I would first move the +2 ATT from the 4-piece bonus to the 2-piece bonus. The other issue with this item is that wearing it on most classes leaves them incredibly squishy, since it only offers 80 hp. I would potentially consider swapping the +5 SPD at the 4-piece bonus to +5 DEF instead, to help offset the fact that the entire AOO set offers very little survivability.

Wooh, that was a lot of text. There is just 1 section left: The Bugs. I will leave out the obvious UI bugs present with characters (white name, 0 stars, etc.)

This one was absolute hell to correct (I had to manually drop more than 15k items to get my vault to function again, a process that took ~10 hours). Having a very large number of items in the gift chest causes disconnects/long loads into the nexus. Obviously this isn’t a pressing issue (I doubt anybody has anywhere near 15k+ items), but still something that should probably be fixed.

A little bug - Dragging items around in your inventory very rarely leaves the slot number visible behind the item.

Clicking the up arrow on the server select screen scroll bar causes the bar to disappear (footage is from prod but bug also occurs on testing).

A rather annoying bug is that spamming the Cursed Spire Spell reliably causes DCs if it hits enemies.

To finish this whole thing off, there is a small error in the Seal of the Battle God’s description - it displays as having a 0.4 second ATT buff, when in reality it lasts 0.6 seconds.

That’s the end of my massive text wall. I think the changes are overall very good, but there are still a few items that I think could use some work.


No one you flagged is off topic. That’s all I have to say on that.


this didnt age well


Okay so I have a few thoughts on some of the changes:
I think the AOO rings are quite fine but the DPS ring seems a bit underwhelming, it gives off a lot of spd and while 8atk and 8dex would be nice, the ring doesn’t give enough HP to warrant wearing a full set of AOO, when there are other rings/sets that give off similar or even better results.

The MP and Survivability rings are quite nice. The MP ring is a good example of balancing its main usage with Survavibility, 200 MP and 10 WIS with 10 DEF and 100 HP is great and the classes benefiting most from these stats have pretty good AOO sets themselves. I used quite a bit of the Assasin, Priest and Trickster AOO sets with the MP rings and it was very useful.

The change of removing the -SPD on Tyrant’s is wonderful. Siege Scepter is more useful than it currently I cant see using it as a main scepter considering the short range and how unreliable the proc is. The proc doesnt affect gameplay that much. I also solo’d some HTTs as a Paladin with the AOO seal and it’s actually a very nice swapout to have.

Overall I like these changes and I don’t think anything was particularly “hurt” by them. I did notice a few bugs; having too many items in your gift chest and taking something out/shift clicking to use one causes a remote host. The AOO spell disconnects aswell if you use it too much.

These are the things that I wanted to point out and I hope I help in some way. (Also props to the spriters for the great sprites, particularly Sturky and Aurum on that Bard skin)


When is the public testing closing?


It closed already.


It was useless before, but with the rings now it has a use (similar to the Alien set, armor is TRASH but necessary for full set). To balance it, they’re going to make it trash but with complete set it’s actually good. This is acceptable.