List of RotMG Related Discord Servers


ok cause i wasnt sure


Here’s one that is growing. They do give aways often too.



growing yes


pretty active.

Also can purge a lot of dead channels.

too lazy to do it since uni has so much formatting there…


Ok I finallly updated it lol, literally just copy pasted Niegil’s shit because I don’t know what’s dead or not dead anymore xD. Again please join niegils server if you haven’t already cuz he’s much better at keeping things updated and it’s easier to manage on disc


Dungeon Unity is dead.

Even though I'm an orange star, I'm making blue star choices

Does anyone know if there are any PPE discords? Group PPE things. *Other than the last one listed


maybe if u were in the discord list u would know

RotMG PPE Contests For hosting and keeping track of PPE contests. (screenshots and recording)

PPE Contest For hosting and keeping track of PPE contests. (recording only)


I’m already in it :frowning: I’m also in the contest :frowning: Just wondering if there is a whole separate dedicated group PPE kind of discord channel


Once again, I’m asking for a Discord link that works. Shatters, tombs, but most interested in fungal, nest, and aliens. Not so ready for LH



I used the discord to find the discord


why 10 links?


/shrug need more visibility.


edited so niegils disc link is massive text and at the top of the post, links in the OP are very outdated



Link doesn’t work


Never expiring, unlimited amount of uses


remove sentry clean-up I created that like two years ago lol…


I’m pretty sure no one checks this thread anymore aside from getting the link to the discord above you which niegil actually updates nowadays