Mini Stone Guardian - It's Back!


I made a thread of this old version a while back:

Well… I thought it was time for a little polishing after, what, 2 years of it existing? Here’s to you, Stone Guardians.

Will you choose blue?
Or will you choose red?

Mini Stone Guardian (Blue)
So, you’ve released me of my wretched curse… I have many thanks to give you. My patience will come in handy.
Class: Knight
Obtained from the Blue Stone Guardian

Mini Stone Guardian (Red)
So, you’ve released me of my wretched curse… I have many thanks to give you. My fierceness will end them quickly.
Class: Knight
Obtained from the Red Stone Guardian

and here’s the dye mask, I hope, for use in pfiffel or something. you’ll have to adjust the size and remove the color bar.

Thanks for reading this again. Feel free to give feedback!

fixed a small typo


They are really cute . What if one of the sprites were for Paladin or Warrior? Just make knight one thicker then if you think its good idea.


I mainly kept them both as Knight as to not make any weird confusion. I may make a thinner, shield-less one for the Red one, but I’d need new Accessory dye locations.


:heart: These are good c:
Although LawaWizard raises a good point about the Pally Warrior thing, IMO red would fit Warrior and blue would fit Paladin, and knight has a LOT of skins already.



im sorry, what?

Edit: if you would be so kind, could you point out the changes you made? I’m probably being dumb and blind…


It’s been a thing far before it was on RealmEye. I posted it on Discords first, then it was on Reddit at one point.

As for changes:

  • Blue color easier to notice.
  • Stone colors changed to more gray, and legs have shading instead of being flat.
  • Shield actually moves on the side moving animation!
  • Sword position changed on front and back attacks.
  • Shield is more blue-ish.


Don’t take this as me being salty but I’m noticing a lack of hueshifting on the body. You could also cut shades 4, 5, and 6. They’re too similar to the first three to warrant them in my opinion.


POPCORN! PPPPOOOOOOOPPCORN! Fresh! Hot! Popcorn! :popcorn:


What the fuck this entire time I’ve ever played this game I thought it was purple…
And I’m not colorblind. I’ve just had my eyes checked again about 2 weeks ago to get some new contacts…


Also, @Ickabod, three of them are for the shield…


Oh, it is purple.
Glad I’m not going crazy…


Regular blue doesn’t look as good, but hey, whatevs. xd


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