Mini Stone Knight (And Ice Knight)


I know I already posted the Stone Knight in one thread, but I feel the purpose of that thread got out of hand so I’m posting it by itself.

Mini Stone Knight (Blue)

Mini Stone Knight

I just hope Oryx doesn’t put me under that spell again…
Class: Knight

And, in the Winter, he becomes…

Mine Ice Knight

Mini Ice Knight

I’m still frozen over from last year…
Class: Knight


How to double DECA’s profit:

  1. Make skin
  2. Add a little bit of white
  3. profit


The Ice Knight actually has a good amount of shading differences, and uses almost entirely different colors.

So more like:

  1. Make skin
  2. Completely change almost all colors
  3. Add pattern
  4. Profit


Make a skin
Add a red hat


They already did that for no profit on the regular skins though.



Look at the Warlock skin for Sorc and convince me otherwise


Warlock is swag, bruh.


fixed that for you




Will there be a red version of them both, too? /s


I just went with blue for random reasons. Accessory dye would apply to the blue parts, so you could go with red. (Clothing would go on the shield.)


This skin is actually pretty cool.
Also, I’m pretty sure you missed the /s

Why is the sword gold-ish on the far right side but nowhere else?


If you look in the game files, there’s a (presumably) unused animation that involves the Sword of the Stone Guardians glowing yellow, so I wanted to incorporate it into the skin.


Oh, that’s pretty cool. The attention to detail in this is pretty good.


The shades look a little peculiar to me but overall good :heart:


For the original Stone Knight, I used the exact same shading and colors as the original Stone Guardian.

I changed this up on the Ice Knight mainly due to the fact that I wanted it to feel more like Ice than just blue stone.


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