Mini Throwing Stars


Vanities are vanities as they are associated with annual events.
This new tier is supposed to be far more rare than white bags and more situational, but can be obtained by regular means.


Do we have a new bag for it?


Hey where’s my nutty yellow bag for LT items


Working on it. Probably going to use the same palette as the Dirk of Chronus to give it that “mystical” feel.
I’m aiming to make it as attractive as the whitebag, something that will catch the eye.




You really don’t and shouldn’t build a entirely new rank that could actually hold a massive amount of whites that already exist
This star is not as situational as you are pretending they are. With no arc length/true range, you are suggesting the shots follow a similar pattern as that of a staff in which case, aiming isn’t extraordinary difficult and the DPS is way to high


DPS is consistantly lower than the Masamune.
The only redeeming factor is that you could be doing extremely high damage, however you could also be doing extremely low damage.


I can actually see your issue with this now, there’s really nothing special about it.
Maybe I should re-model it as an ability instead, with the same shot pattern but a wider arc gap and add a status effect…thoughts on that idea?


Legacy? What is this league of legends?

All jokes aside I like this idea. It’s like the freezing bow for ninja stars. As in it has 3 shots. Not the slow.

Legacy Tier Explanation

I may buff the damage as it is quite low…and believe it or not this was supposed to be used as a main weapon…(which I’m changing obviously).

Thanks for the feedback though, it’s far from perfect however.
Any suggestions for improvements?


Not quite yellow…but :man_shrugging:t5:


omg is that the new brown bag


Well it’s gold…I do have more designs…I guess I should set up a poll.


tbh, i think it looks really nice. the bad shape is just right, you might just need some help getting the actual bag color in, bc i see a really light brown/beige or something. i also think a purple string looks a little weird with a golden bag, so maybe add silver like a black or red. /shrug



These where all the ones I’d made before…still not satisfied though.

As you said, the colour isn’t right.


Legacy Tier? Why though?

Legacy Tier Explanation

More situational than UT’s…they’re more or less rendered useless and have very specific moments when they shine.


There’s already a gold bag. It’s for marks. edit: treasures and tokens as well.

Vanities are pretty much only for showing off as they’re not very good in any situation. And although this “primary weapon” (which this would actually make sense if it was a Ninja star instead of a katana) does insanely high damage, the fire rate makes it complete garbage so therefore it might as well be a vanity. And even if the RoF wasn’t the worst in the game then the potential for 1000 damage x3 would make it too overpowered.


The bag that holds marks is more of a yellow tint, I wouldn’t call it gold. This doesn’t look anything like that one either, so it doesn’t really matter what it’s called.


So a UT?