Mock Prism [UT Prism]


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Mock Prism



  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 65
  • Duration: 6.5 second
  • Effect: No teleport; summons a stationary decoy
  • Stat Bonus: +20 HP
  • Fame Bonus: 3%
  • Feed Power: 300

A Crystal figment that was enchanted by the Amazonian Tribe

Drops From: Forbidden Jungle

Mixcoatl the Masked God

  • White bag


So… It’s a slightly nerfed brain?


Would agree but it needs tp, and MP cost of 75?


i don’t want it to tp.


this already exists in-game

sprite needs work, the colours could be used to make a good looking prism, but it just looks like a tiered prism.



to be honest, we could use an accessible, earlygame decoying prism that helps players get adjusted to trickster. I don’t really agree with it being a Brain of the Golem clone, I would rather have it use the same decoying mechanic that tiered prisms use.


@RaindropMM I took the liberty of making a sprite… It’s supposed to be a purple crystal prism, with spiderwebs of gold.


Looks more like a tome


I think that a beginner-friendly prism like this, dropping from one of the easiest dungeons in the game, would be awesome; trickster is a very hard class to learn, and I think that this can help players who are new to the class, to get a better feel for it. I’m not the best at giving balancing feedback, but I like the overall concept.


Like you know but what you would do with Brain then? I think it should be prism that is running to nearest enemy or prism that is like the brain but it has a tp


It drops from the Forbidden Jungle. It can just be a direct downgrade from an endgame item like Brain (which has daze, which is what you use Brain for), and it will be fine.

The entire point of this prism is that it doesn’t tp; change that, and you have a completely different item. I do think there may be some merit for having the decoy move in a manner similar to most other prism decoys, however (to help people learn the class’ main about without the risk of accidental teleport).


that would mke it a bad pup prism


Meh tbh I thought the prism would look more like this
It color kinda fits that of the color of the other items that drop in the forbidden jungle dungeon


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