MotMG: "Oryx Horde" Event Meaning


I didn’t know what “Oryx Horde” event was, in which it says on the MotMG calendar. Help?

MotMG 2017 Updated Calendar
MotMG 2017 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)

maybe multiple oryxs in the castle?


Oh god please no


Don’t know! It seems like a new thing. :astonished:

But… related??:


this only raises further questions :octopus:


I love the way Deca is doing this. It’s really building suspence. I can wait to see what’s going to happen. Biff and the Lep seem to be made of stone on the calender too. Something is going on here…


an event like zombie horde i think


My idea of the Oryx Horde is him bringing his own minions into the Realm, instead of keeping them in the castle. Heck, maybe we’ll even see the Mad God himself appear as an event? Maybe they’ll finally add Oryx the Mad God 3? Only time will tell. One thing’s certain though. We need to prepare.


Oryx Statue appears in the realm and spawns a million trash mobs is my guess.


I really like the idea of a possible event like oryx coming in the realm like that but it seems a little unlikely compared to the other things it could be like a reskin zombie horde


prob reskin zombie horde tbh


I’m guessing it’ll be more than just a reskin.

Notwithstanding the obsession with item, player and pet skins the actual content has, for the most part at least, been tweaked: Ice tomb, Halloween cemetery and even the zombie horde had mechanics changes, Biff and the leprechaun were new.


Has anybody found anything yet? Its august first and no one has said anything about it, I only ask because I’m on vacation and if I’m missing it I at least want to know what it is


theres nothing so far


Anyone seen it?


Oryx Horde is now live in the game, the speculation can end!

Ongoing discussion thread about Oryx Horde:

…closing thread.


Is now in game, see Oryx Horde thread for details.