New Class: Soldier!


Of course, this is a basic idea that I will need to polish quite a lot more. This was just to see if people like it, and they do!


  1. I changed the values and forgot to edit the other corresponding parts

  2. DPS

  3. Pets are broken as ever so vit hardly matters

  4. Yes, he does.

  5. Yeah, for DPS

  6. You realize that this class IS meant to be played as a vangaurd fighter? Ninja can do whatever, but this class uses katanas because the peirce and high dps of katana matches well

  7. Thats cute, you avoided my point as well. My point was that this is another DPS class. Theres no other melee DPS class, and the spear definitely needs balancing and tone down with range. Another DPS class wont hurt the game, it is a niche, this is just poorly balanced.


W a r r i o r
N i n j a


Ninja has speed, warrior is a buff class.

Did you even read my other comment?


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