New event idea


What if there were an event where every event boss in the realm had a chest that spawned after you killed it. For example if you killed a herm a event chest would spawn that drops jugg along with other items. Just an idea let me know what you think about it.


Lol no. There is a reason why DECA is phasing out chests. They encourage leeching and the hard working players who do most of the job might not get their fair share of loot.


Actually an interesting idea. My biggest problem is with bosses that have remenants.

Edit: Actually, second thought. If the event chest would only drop the event white of the event boss, why not just make event bosses have double drop rates. That would make more sense as SB would still be required so it would be more difficult for people who didn’t attack the boss to achieve and event white


Moved to WIP


I was thinking that the chest would have other items other than just the event white


Maybe for Halloween event the chest can drop reskin cdirk along with other event whites


What made you think they’re phasing out chests? they’re going at them harder than ever with multiple of them running every weekend.


Meant to say dungeon chests, although now that I think about theres only one or two


they’ve run multiple of those for the past couple weekends tho


I meant the chests spawned upon a bosses death in a normal dungeon. Example: Puppet masters theatrs-use to be a chest, now there isnt


oh, yeah they’re not using those really, only LoDs and void (in a way) have a chest.

I dont see how this fits in with this thread, they’re talking about adding a event chest after the boss.


Maybe shatts is next…


Shatts has chest


fuck forgot about that one, that’s still only 3 dungeons (not including bella cause vanity)


also there is 2nd in mountain temple…


that’s a troom, I don’t really count that as another boss chest.


shatts, lod, and what else? are you counting Janus’s chest?

o shaitan. Forgot about that(i went and looked on the wiki)


is deca going to save chest only for events?


With further thought, event chests for literal realm events are going to be considerably more difficult to leech off then standard dungeon chests. After all, after a event boss dies, the remnants remain. Along with that, event bosses are already leeched on.

@Robodoggyk I still don’t see what’s wrong with temporarily adding additional drops to the event boss rather then having a chest. Although I personally feel that a chest for a event boss would be more fair then standard event chests, I still believe the addition of a chest is entirely unnecessary.


there isn’t anything wrong with adding aditional drops. according to the wiki, the winter hermit god dropped everything normal in addition to t6 reskin abilities