New rank idea [6th star]


I know there have been about a million posts about this but I think they should add something creative. 2000 fame is the ultimate milestone for 5 stars and if you’ve done it, Grats. But with Deca coming in, the game is a lot easier now, you have to agree. Before I couldn’t even get a 1/8 but now I’m getting 7 and 8/8’s. Sure, we’ve all improved but you have to admit Deca has made the game a lot easier. I think that with all these events and this revolutionized style of play, Deca should add something new, a 6th star. To get the 6th star, you have to get 5000 fame. Maybe even more! Reply and tell everyone what you think about this.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 6th star at 5000 fame


There’s still a live topic about this same idea, so I’ll merge onto there.
