New things to use fame for


Fame at this point is almost useless. You can create a guild, which only a few do, or you can feed your pet. Feeding your pet is great, but when you have thousands of fame you can’t use on your pet because you don’t have high feed power items, it becomes frustrating.

What I suggest:
Players should be able to purchase character slots, vault slots, name changes, and dyes with fame.
Simply put all the things that don’t give you an edge over another player or affect the economy of the game.
If desperate enough a person could make a whole battalion of mules, which is inconvenient for both parties.

The fame you need to pay wont be cheap, I’m thinking towards the line of 5 - 10 times that of gold, but of course DECA can choose their own pricing.

Other Notes:
If you are worried about DECA losing money, you need to think that this change will most likely bring old and new players into the game and they may spend money on keys or items. As well, there will still be the people who use gold to buy pets, vault slots, and character slots for sake of convenience.


DECA said they wouldn’t make dye buy-able with fame, and they just introduced character slots and vault unlockables in Mystery Box. Not gonna happen. Plus Fame Farming…


well this has been suggested like 10 times already


I don’t think you understand what premium means.[quote=“IlIlIIIllD, post:1, topic:5304”]
If you are worried about DECA losing money, you need to think that this change will most likely bring old and new players into the game and they may spend money on keys or items

In the long run, they would be losing money


Ooooooor they could make a mode that would be buyable with a lot of gold that would enable purchasing this stuff for ludicrous amounts of fame.
Edit: Another thing they could do is make watching ads optional, BUT if you watch an ad, you get a tiny amount of gold/fame/idk


Premium means paying an extra fee for what others can not get. Why should someone have to pay $5 for 8 extra storage spots when one could pay $0 and get 16 extra.


“extra fee for what others can not get”

you can’t afford it, you cant get the storage space. Simple
Funds are used to run the game, fame is just an extra component… only way deca can keep throwing out updates is game funding

*jesus i need to start playing this game again


But that is the thing, you can, and it’s free.


not character slots, deca still has to make money, although I like the idea about buying dyes with fame


@Doc has already debunked this whole idea. The only way an idea related to using Fame as currency has any sort of relevance, is if it’s an entirely new mechanic in the game that can still make money for DECA. For example, a RuneScape like grand exchange that works like RealmEye’s offer system. Except every offer costs X amount of fame and you can only make Y amount of offers. This can create revenue because you can add onto that mechanic with Realm Gold by making it possible to purchase more offer slots for Z amount or RG. [LOL EDIT: This was meant to be a response, not a reply. Sorry Potatobaez.]


Okay, so my friend said this and it may or not be true, “Deca had to borrow from the bank to buy RotMG and just finished paying off the debt.” It might not be true but they still need revenue. Now how would they make a living if the main things people purchase gold for become available for purchase with fame? We’ve all seen ideas like this before and people need to realize they need to make money.


How about if there was some sort of bazaar-like place where you could pay fame to restrict anyone not on your whitelist/friend list from entering the area you hire? It’d be a nice QoL addition for people who like to do dungeons with certain groups that are not in the same guild. Player events could also be held there.

Maybe it could be done by giving any players that appear in the bazaar-like place an invisible status effect (or several) that specifies/specify which areas they may/may not enter. Anyone on the whitelist for area 1 could get the status effect PermissionArea1 for example.

I’m surprised this didn’t autoclose (yet). How come it’s 6 months instead of 60 days?

Why is autoclose inconsistent?

[Here, I’ll autoclose it for you, then. OB]
