New UT ideas for the Epic Hive and the Goblin Lair



I need all the feedback as nothing is set in stone :slight_smile:


for the armor

you say: it flows through the body. But is an armor? so does it really flow through the body? or through the armor? And the stats on it feel very extreme

Is there actually going to be an epic hivE?

dor the trap, what exactly does sickness do? does this not allow for hp regen from those pesky bosses such as the lod or like O1 dying phase?


Ok so for the Armour, yes the description may need some tweaking thanks xD, also i do not know if there will be an epic hive but if the rumours are true than i’m one step ahead.

The trap on the other hand you have hit the nail on the head. The intention behind it was yes, for those bosses and minions in the game that do self heal themselves now can be negated with this new trap.

Also, i can see that the stats on the armour are extreme but at the same time balance everything out


Poison: Overpowered. The slowing and the high damage, AND with the crazy stat bonus, is not going to work. Plus, the mana cost is too low for poisons too.

Armor: Way too extreme. Even with the huge speed loss, +30 vit and +10 dex and +20 def is insane. Tune that down, especially the vit.

Dagger: I don’t know about the damage and stuff, butt the piercing of enemy’s armor with the high damage is also overpowered. Also, why add the +5 dex stat bonus if you could increase the shot speed. That stat bonus is useless.

Trap: So no damage? Just sickens? Okay… I don’t know what to think about that but you don’t provide the time the trap will be in place for

I’m fine with all the sprites except for the armor, it has no variation. A :candy: for your efforts, but most of these ideas are overpowered and extreme.


Ok thanks for the feedback, i will be sure to work on them


And also about the Armour, what do you mean about no variation. from what i can see it has shading on it and also its meant to look coated in honey so i don’t think i can make it look any better.


Ok i have updated the image, tell me what you think now @Cenamuch, should have updated stats now, but nothing i can do about the look of the Armour im afraid


If i made the honey armor, i would make it have +20 DEF +25 VIT -7 DEX -5 SPD. It’s just my opinion.


Me and you are thinking on the same page bud, however when i originally posted it with +30 vit, not everyone liked the high numbers. Not sure why


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