New UT staff idea -single shot staff


-No name right now-

-Sprite will be added later-

-Description will be added later-

Item stats:

Weapon type: Staff

Shots: 1
RoF: 200%
Damage: 55-75
Range: 6
(Lifetime: 600 Speed: 100)
Amplitude: 0.02
Frequency: 5
Fame Bonus: 5%

Special properties: Shots pass through multiple targets.

Shot sprite: White Beam

These are all the stats from pfiffel if you want to plug it in to look at DPS and shot patterns.

I decided to give it a slightly wavy pattern for an aesthetic effect, the amp/freq won’t decrease your accuracy by much, if at all.

Rate my ideas!

Shooting out trees, I see.


nah nah that was on this thread.


Would this really work for a staff? Amplitude would make it slightly off and no other staff is single shot.


The amplitude is really small, plug it in to pfiffel, it’s mostly just a visual effect.

Exactly, it isn’t the same as other staffs, it would change gameplay and it would be fun to use.

EDIT: I changed the amp by accident, im changing the OP.


Tested on pfiffel, since it’s damage range is same as the T12, and it has 200% rate of fire (same dps effects as a 2nd shot), it has the exact same dps as a T12, but is more accurate and pierces

Also for a much better aesthetic effect, change projectile size (which is aesthetic) to 110 and frequency to 5


The one drawback of Wizard and necro is that they have to hit 2 shots instead of one. A single shot piercing staff is just as overpowered as it is dumb, go pick up a sorcerer.


Yeah, I didn’t compare to a T12 just a T13 and some other UTs, lowered damage a lot.

I don’t really see a difference between 100 and 110 so ima keep it at 100

Amp: 0.02
Freq: 5
looks pretty good.

That isn’t really a drawback at all, 99% of the time both shots hit as long as you aren’t shit at aiming.

Lowered the damage a bit, it’s not as powerful now, and how is it dumb? it’s supposed to change the playstyle of staff classes if they want to use it.

Mainly playing on my sorc rn so…


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