Oryx Buff + Requiring Lost Sentry and Nest to Close Realms


I think that somewhere in the comments, they proposed the idea of not making those events neccessary but instead make them neccesary if and only if you want to find a third boss, Oryx 3. Because Oryx 3 is on a different difficulty level, fighting Lost Sentry and the Nest will prove that you are capable and ready to fight Oryx 3. If you want to close the realm, it is not required. However, in order for this to work, I still think that Sentry and (what ever those bee thing’s are called) need buffed drop tables cause at the moment, no one is willing to do a Sentry for just the cloak (except for those few billion pros…)


Yes, whilst this is a valid idea, the drops might be a problem.

If its t13 and t14 items, then there’s a big problem.
Lost halls should be the only place to get those.
If its t14 and t15 items, thats an even bigger problem.
See where Deca goes.


? Are we talking about O3’s drops or sentries and nest event’s?




O3’s drop table

t11 weapons, t12 robes, t5 abilities, t5 rings
t12 weapons, t13 robes, t6 abilities, t6 rings
mana, life
Own set of whites but as this is not my topic, too lazy to make them myself

At least what I think makes sense. Also should have some guranteed loot and be immune to stun/daze/stasis


Ok, that’s more reasonable, but why the whites?

O1 and O2 don’t have whites. Why O3?


Because otherwise no body will want to do O3. Truthfully, I no longer do O2 because all of the drops are teired and I have more then enough decades if I ever want to buy something. With whites, there will be reasons for people like me to actually run O3.


But there’s life and mana added, which only can be obtained through hard dungeons.


I have decades… If I want to max life, i sell three and I’m done

Actually, two is probably enough


Another reason why not to do O3.

(I’m done.)


?? What? If it drops a white, I’d probably do it. I do janus instead cause he drops scotum (which i really want) and court drops it’s own whites


Hardly even pros, literally the only thing “challenging” of the sentry is dealing with spooky boi because of how he works. I’m all for a sentry buff if it got rid of him as it’s really just a way to whittle down players if their pet isn’t a high enough level.


That bump tho


What if O3 was the true mad god? That would justify him having drop T14 weapons and T15 armors.

He would have 750,000+HP scaling and shoot a 7-star shotgun.
Immune to all effects but curse.


How do knights get DPS then :wink:


If O3 were to be a thing he shouldn’t have any shotguns or too OP moves, he should work similarly to Void and mbc, where they have phases and can actually be completed by every class, but one or two wrong moves will cause a rip.


True, sentry isn’t even hard. It’s just that you have to keep track of two things at once.


Making LS and Nest mandatory for a realm close wouldn’t work. Although I would like this to be implemented, but when comparing these events to Ents, Gkings, etc., it becomes clear why it it isn’t mandatory for a close - skill level.

When looking at the whole of the realm community, I would say the majority of them haven’t even attempted these events because not everyone is the same skill level and it can be considered selfish to force the lower leveled/skilled players to do this and a burden on the ones who can. So what I’m trying to say is even if this does become a mandatory close, it won’t be the group effort, like you and I wish, and nothing will change because some people just can’t do these events.

Now about killing LS/Nest to spawn O3? I like this a lot. This would make me want to get my guild in a small realm and close it just so we can do a guild O3. Also this makes more sense than @Redox’s O3 idea of the activation for O3 with the guardian spirit’s.

Edit: A plug for my boy Redox since I @'d him, here’s his O3 Idea.


But that doesn’t make any sense. Sentry and the Nest event don’t really have anything to do with Oryx. In fact, sentry is the exact opposite.


fuck knights dood