Patch X.29.0: Threshold updates and Fixes


@moderators btw move to #news


Lol I swear this is the third time they’ve tried to address this issue xD.

Thresholds getting even lower, what do you know.


Although I was mostly hyped for the Nest rework, all the other stuff is also very nice to see!
Having Shatters drop more consistent pots is partway to making it less of a clusterfuck of exploitable and buggy fights to a true endgame dungeon, I think :)


wait so are candy snail eggs vanities now? fuck i gotta grind


I’ve still got a Y and O from the april event :man_shrugging:


Who cares about this?

When you have this

and this



not even good feed anyway, but it should be fixed.


Yes much better now, seeing the graphic thing move with the fp increasing gives the appearance that it’s doing it “correctly”.

A graphical fix to the map is this rather than anything with the vault layout? Can’t notice any change immediately jumping out at me.

Yeah bringing Enchanted Ice Shard in line with Frimarra and Northern Light at 900 fp would seem very logical.

Item 0x7fd2 if that assists at all. :wink:


Ah, finally. My favorite knight skin won’t look so matte. He is even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.


Have they fixed the d’oh lang error for adobe flash for windows xp its so fcking hard to play realm on chrome


use usually gives this error


Yeah this worked for me.
I found this by chance yesterday on the adobe flash tutorial on realmeye, and it loaded.


There was a Servers Maintenance restart in-game announce message, and it’s on X29.0.1 now, can’t see an update on Reddit though.
Any idea what this update was?


Hotfix X29.0.1

  • Fixed Common Automaton Egg drop rate in Mad Lab

  • The Oryx Puppet in Puppet Master’s Theatre now also drops the Harlequin Armor

Harley Drop Rate?


Before it also showed WC, but I think they removed it.


For event details, see :arrow_right_hook: Weekend Chest Events - Oryx's Chamber and the Wine Cellar [Sep 14th to Sep 17th]


I got excited for a moment there. Yeah, no.

(at least this means I can still artificially increase my Davy’s completed count)

Most PCaves completed by a single character

No comprende.


The bug occurs when you go over the exit portal and click your interact key twice very quickly. Or I’ll just let Kage explain:

I tried hitting interact 3 times in a row very quickly (after supposed fix) and it behaved exactly as Kage described it.


But it has no effect on your completions? Or does it?