Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°) 2, Electric Boogaloo


A firearm has no medical usefulness (or at least not in case of a flu) and I didn’t want to just assume you were retarded enough to use a real crisis as an opportunity to LARP some zombie apocalypse/Mad Max fantasy of yours. Suicide was thus the only logical explanation remaining.

That’s not what your document says. They’ll still be arrested and their identities recorded, they just won’t be sent through the rest of the judicial process straight away.

You’re talking about this like “The Purge” just became reality. I think they’re just trying to slow the spread of the virus by avoiding situations where a large number of people go through or stay at the same place (like a police station, a courtroom or a prison) as much as possible.

Another issue is that knowingly exposing criminals or even just suspects to contamination would effectively mean the government is sentencing anyone they want to death. I doubt that’s something you’d want.

Never stop criticizing the government but at least try to understand what you’re criticizing.

(I’m not saying you should just let yourself get robbed or killed, by the way. I just seriously doubt it’ll come to that. But if shit really hits the fan, do what you have to do and stay safe)


Just because a device does not have a medical usefulness does not mean that the only logical explanation for owning such a device is to kill yourself. Purchasing a taser because you are worried about the government not protecting you does not mean that you bought it to tase yourself in the balls. Buying a car because the government is no longer operating buses does not mean you bought it to drive off a cliff. Buying a tourniquet because the hospitals are focusing solely on Coronavirus patients does not mean you plan on cutting your arm off.

That is what the document says. If you are caught doing any of those offenses, you will not be arrested. Instead, the police will record your information, let you go, and then issue an arrest warrant for you at a later time once the judicial process is up and running. That means that if you are caught breaking and entering you will be let go and told “We’ll actually arrest you once all of this has blown over”. That time has not been established. States like California are anticipating that it will take several months for this to happen. For those several months, those breaking and entering will not be taken to jail for what they did.

Arguing that societal issues are not going to stem from this pandemic is idiotic. Currently, in Italy, tensions have been rising. People are stealing, gangs are becoming more common, and people are starving and becoming poor. If you do not believe that the police not arresting criminals for violating the law while all of those things are cropping up is a problem then you might be the retard. There is established precedent for American tragedy to be exploited by criminals who know they will not get arrested for what they are doing. See: LA Riots




It’s in response to COVID-- putting people in prison requires a lot of person to person interaction.


Was talking specifically in relation to the coronavirus, which is the connection you made in your own post. And again: that was the most charitable interpretation. I don’t think you realize how dumb your tough guy act looks.

Again: what do you want them to do about it?

If they keep the police and the courts running as normal, that means a lot of people going through the same places and staying in the same rooms. They’re going to get infected and they’re going to infect everyone else.

What’s the point of paralyzing most of society to slow down the progression of the virus if they’re going to run a fucking virus factory at the same time? How does that make any sense?

I thought that’s what your “armed militia” was for. So why are you staying at home jerking yourself over your rifle instead of putting it to good use?


There is nothing they can do about it, but there is something that I can own to protect myself and my family in the event that the government deciding to not arrest burglars backfires. Besides, in the United States the police have absolutely no duty to help people as confirmed by our Court multiple times over, so owning firearms to protect myself is a good idea considering the fact that I am in no way shape or form suicidal. (Castle Rock v Gonzalez, Warren v District of Columbia, Lozito v New York City, etc)

During the LA riots the National Guard (Militia Act of 1903 establishes them as the organized militia) was deployed to help stop the riots. Under that same act, all men over the age of 18 and under 45 are considered to be members of the reserve militia, which I am considered to be a part of I guess. The reserve militia was not and has not been called upon to help prevent riots and looting. Also, none of the firearms I have posted are considered to be rifles, although I do own one


Sorry, I should have been clearer.

What I was referencing was your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment that the people of the US have a right to form a militia by themselves, outside of the government’s control. Unless I misunderstood something?

So I read the actual definition of “rifle” and I think I’m just going to stick to simple terms like “handgun” and “long gun” because the interior of the barrel isn’t always visible on pictures and there’s no way I’m memorizing the entire list of every single gun on the planet and what they look like from all angles.

I don’t get how they can defend themselves with that kind of reasoning. Yeah, technically the police’s duty is to the people as a whole and not a specific individual, but where’s their proof that letting individuals get killed or raped is beneficial to the people in general?

Still don’t think guns would have helped any of these people though. If you get attacked by surprise, especially by people who could have guns themselves and who can take hostages, having a gun isn’t going to make much of a difference.


Corona Virus isn’t real.


eNgInEeReEd By NeTfLiX duh


based gunposting. will post glock I copped when I get off work.




rmgnoob be like
“guns bad. you shouldn’t own them. only the government and the police should own guns. then we would be okay :)) because they’re all looking out for our best interests :)) right?”


coming from someone who has spent a lot of time around guns I don’t think most people deserve to own a gun.

A gun is not a toy but a lot of people treat them like one, the kind of person who should have a gun the kind of person who is not flashing their guns around or constantly talking about them

People see owning something that is made to kill people as far too fun then it should be

most people in the world don’t own a gun for self defense purposes, they just own a gun because they wanted one.

and then someone people just sitting around with their gun hoping that someones breaks into their house so they can shoot them.

the world would definitely be much better off with less guns but I dont think humanity is ever going to not have an assload of guns in the world so thats that i guess


I will write out a nice response to this once I get off work but I very much agree with you.


(insert military weapon here) bad. you shouldn’t own them. only the government and the police should own (insert military weapon here). then we would be ok :)) becauses they’re all looking out for our best interests :)) right?

I think everyone should be able to have their own tank, nuke, and fighter jet to even the playing field.


(TL;DR Your 20 guns don’t do shit to prevent government opression)


:)) I’m sure you know all about the subject. I’ll take your word for it.

I’m not even going to bother with a serious response because you’re obviously entertaining the thought that the US military would be deployed on their own ground against citizens. Please, don’t make yourself look like an inebriate by suggesting that’s a reality.


But you’re (the one) saying that you need your guns to… protect yourself from the government?

Which is why I countered by saying in your hypothetical situation, your guns are useless?

I’m not the one who entertained the thought first, I was responding to this:


real conversation without hostility seems impossible so fuck it

this is now the Political meme thread.




@PRCSakura Today is the 6th of June. Since you appear to be pro China, I’d like to hear your thoughts on their censorship of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.