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What’re your guys’ views on the people flipping their shit over converse’s trans-flag shoe?


Its a fucking shoe :llll idk why people are so uppity over it lol

Besides, it’s popular brands like Gucci that are doing it, so it’s most likely a PR stunt to get trans and gay people to buy their overpriced garbage. oh yeah btw, this publication is complaining about it, so I’m guessing this has backfired on them REALLY hard.

LGBTQ nation

(it also has some weird stuff about immigrants at the end in there for some reason, but what can I expect from ideologues that can never be pleased kekkles)


Well in the US almost everything in the media can be tied back to politics these days.


Define “flipping their shit”. If they’re just screaming at each other on Twitter, it’s just business as usual. If they’re making threats, vandalizing stores, shit like that, that’s going way too far for some dumb shoe.

(about the trans flag specifically: I can never fucking remember what it’s supposed to look like or represent.)

You think that wasn’t the case before? You think nobody was making politically charged media before our time?

It’s not that media itself has become more political, just that the development of medias and communications means a lot more of it is produced and that it’s accessible to a lot more people at once (and also that a lot more people can talk about it at the same time).


“ree coverse bad” “Never buying converse ever again! reeee”

it’s actually funny to watch omegalul

Is it supposed to look like something specific? I don’t keep up with that group basically at all so I have no idea.


Yeah that sounds pretty great.

Although, if they actually do put their money where their mouths are and stop buying Converse, that’ll be yet another example of why pandering to a microscopic minority is not good business practice.

I don’t fucking know man, I don’t even know if there’s an established official one or if there are dozens of different ones circulating the web.


guarantee you that the people saying that shit don’t own converse shoes, maybe never even bought them in their lives before.

idk what exactly you mean by “official” but this is the one that’s accepted and used;
Image result for transgender flag


what I really hate about these type of people is that they’re never happy tbh. They want people/companies to capitulate completely to their demands and will shame them if they refuse to. They also don’t even seem to buy the product itself so IDK why they’re getting so pissed off about something they won’t bother buying.

I never understood the trans flag. What’s the white supposed to represent? do actual trans people use this flag unironically? It’s just very weird since the pride flag is supposed to be an umbrella symbol for all of these groups and races mind you, and yet they’re creating their own weird flags that only represent themselves.

this is the “new pride flag”


I think they missed the point in the fact that the pride flag was supposed to be RACE NEUTRAL, but who cares lel.


It’s purely about feeling powerful by making others do what they want. They don’t actually give a shit about the product itself.

I don’t know if it would be a good idea to ask our resident trans experts about this. I’m curious too but it looks like it might end really poorly.

Easier to keep old race wars going than realize just how arbitrary and bullshit the notion of race is in the first place, or how much more significant wealth is overall.



As a member of the, yikes, LGBT community, I can’t agree with this statement more. Separate flags are mostly pointless and the only thing they do is further separate and polarize. The very frustrating thing that I see is once we see people start to accept that yeah, gay people are pretty okay, some fringe members like MOGAI and some other silly acronym shit go and fling feces. Case in point: https://mogai-heaven.tumblr.com/gabc

This shit is retarded.


not most likely, 100%.

They want larger yachts and thats all there is to it really

Its pretty funny, the people getting offended by this are the same people who would be calling the people buying these shoes “overly offended special snowflakes”

the same reason group on earth has a flag

It is quite easy to dismiss someones flag as nonsensical when are you not part of said group

Im sure the entirety of people using that flag would deeply question why anyone would have or want a confederate flag

the flag of a country that started a brutal civil war with one of the main reasons being because they wanted to own human beings as slaves

Another part is of course about how that group is treated as a whole. If a particular group is denied rights that others are given. Having a flag is a sign of solidarity

If the majority of your country did respect you or see why you should have the same rights as others you might also want a flag to show your determination to get those rights

But on a larger scale outside of the united states and western europe look at other parts of the world. Like the middle east (many other regions of the world) where a trans person would be killed

A common problem throughout the entire world is people just do not understand the view of others. Just look at Europe right now. With refugees from the middle east. If the french or any other european had to leave their country because of a war they would expect the united states to take them in and called them racist if they did not.

Yet they look with disgust of the current wave of people into europe. You know think after WW2 and the holocaust some of europe might understand fleeing your country but they do not.

really most will never be able to put themselves in the shoes of others but if you really confused on why some one might want a flag you should give it a try

Maybe for france but the entire world is not france. Africa and the balkans are a prime example, previously in spain too with basque separatist.

People who are not culturally or linguistically related to you who control you is not very fun

much like how the soviet union broke in many different nations instead of staying as one for the sake of economics


what if we tried looking this up?

wikipedia says:

if I were this person I would have put the white stripe in between a pink stripe and a blue stripe, idk about any of you guys but I don’t think I would attempt to transition from female to female. I might even do a gradient between the two to more accurately convey transitioning, although that might not work out of a physical flag.

the wikipedia article also has this one:

I think this one makes more sense, though it is more visually complex which isn’t necessarily something one might want in a flag.


I think you made a typo there :open_mouth:



No that seems intentional (pink -> white -> pink)


I can assure you that France also has bullshit racial conflicts.

Also yes, the entire world is like France in the sense that money and connections rule over everything else.

That’s not race though.

Race is specifically limited to physical attributes, primarily facial features and skin color.

I agree with you that cultural and linguistic differences are more significant, but I don’t agree that these are tied to purely racial factors.

It’s even easier to divide humanity into a myriad of small closed-off groups and get these groups to fight against each other.

You’d think something as basic as “divide and conquer” would be understood by most people. Apparently not.

Let’s put aside the toothpaste jokes for a minute.

So you’re telling me the whole flag is based on “blue is for boys, pink is for girls”?

Am I supposed to infer from this that the entire trans community is just a bunch of role-players stuck in completely outdated gender stereotypes?

Doesn’t seem like a very positive thing to convey.


People would gladly be poor before being owned by a foreign power, this has been apparent throughout time

Even strictly race. Lets take a look at the colonies you had in vietnam for instance.

Or really any instance of a foreign power owning something they should not.

all of the colonization. Vietnam would not have cared even if france treated them with repsect its the fact that europeans own a country that is not european.

Thats exactly what all the communist said when the soviet union collapsed. The truth is people do not want to be collected into one mass group

Or even in the balkans, many outsiders do not understand how such small countries exist or would want to.

Why not just smash yourself into a larger country

now apply this to society. Lets look at yugoslavia. It was a large mix of many types of people.

People ask why this does not work? because you have group with all the power

Now lets take the united states for example. You tell everyone to stop with all different groups and gatherings and just assimilate into the larger mass

Well what has been and is still the case is that the majority of power and political influence in the country is controlled by white people who are not always looking out for the best interest of these groups

The only conquering that would be going would be to not allow people to have their own groups

just look at the soviet union. Religion was illegal, many ethnicities were not allowed to say they were real. They had to say they were russian

Collectivism is what actually leads to conquering and dictatorships


that depends. Say right now in the U.S, racial tensions have become increasingly severe over the years, and letting people have their own groups in this case would not help at all. It would only lead to more alienation and eventual conflict as racial groups box themselves in and become festering shit holes that are tolerant to no one.

As for collectivism, its obviously bad, but you have to unite people under some sort of group, whether it be country, ideology, etc. That doesn’t mean you ignore physical or biological differences tho, as that never works out in the end, just look at most democrats in the U.S who get very uncomfortable when you bring up racial stuff.


hmmm, nope. I’ve reread that sentence 4 times and it still says exactly what I meant it to say. the white “trans” stripe in stuck in between the two pink “female” stripes.

yes, apparently

I don’t think it would be fair to generally apply that label to every trans person, but you could probably get away with saying that about the person who designed the flag and the people who support it.

not really, especially when they’re the group who seems most likely to stray from those norms if they really were “somewhere in between”


Being owned by a foreign dictator, being owned by a homegrown dictator, in the end you’re still owned by a dictator.

Again, that’s not what race is.

That’s not what I’m suggesting either. All I’m telling you is that, if you’re going to judge people, then judge them based on their choices, not on how they were born.

Weren’t you the guy who said that the EU had to stay united to counter the Chinese and Putin? As in, the countries in the EU had a better chance at resisting as a union rather than a mosaic of separate countries?

How is that coherent with your current stance?

Just look at history and you’ll see a bunch of examples of how having divided enemies makes things much easier. Examples like the Roman Empire and Napoléon Bonaparte come to mind.

Trans means transition. A transition, by definition, has a starting point and an ending point. You can’t stay in transition forever.

Only ones that could be considered “somewhere in between” would be people who were born hermaphrodites, that is to say an extremely small minority.


Yes of course, and most trans people probably want to end that awkward transition phase as quickly as possible. I phrased that poorly, based on the flag’s description of attempting to include people in that “in between” as well.