Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)


Neither do Scotland, N. Ireland or Wales.


It was quite out of character for the primarily English dominated government doing things that would not benefit the Scottish Welsh or Irish /s(i hate this symbol but i guess its a mandatory things now a days)


< insert uproarious laughter here, followed by more laughter >


Well, Wales wants Brexit pretty badly. Scotland does not. For N. Ireland it’s a mess. And what’s interesting is that the lack of decidedness of the government is making all unhappy, leavers and remainers alike.

I personally think another referendum is not a bad idea.

If leave wins again, then definitely the government has to get serious and work for Brexit. The people who agreed on working on Brexit didn’t actually believe in it, but if it’s confirmed that’s the direction we (they? I’m an immigrant after all) want to go, then that’s it.

If remain wins, I dunno… we just accept this was a bad dream and hope the reasonable Europeans welcome the UK back to the EU. Not sure about the conditions.

I know the cost of another referendum is high, but the process is costing so much already that getting it unstuck would be preferable.


They don’t have to believe in it. They don’t care whether it comes to pass or not.

Brexit fails: “That’s all because those other politicians fucked it up! Had we been in charge, it would have worked!”

Brexit comes to pass: “That’s all because we’re the ones who launched it! We’re the real heroes here, not the people who actually had to work and negotiate to make this possible!”

It’s not a one-use tactic, either. They can just keep going with this “everything going wrong was caused by everyone else, everything good actually comes from us” spiel forever.

If they never actually get into a position of power, all the better. It’s easier to claim they’re better than everyone else if they never have to actually do anything themselves.

Even if Europe managed to get its shit together and became serious opposition against the US, China and Russia, what makes you think the UK would care?

They have enough countries between them and the Middle East/Africa that they don’t have to care about any migrant crisis. Despite all the apocalyptic predictions that have been made, so far the looming Brexit hasn’t completely destroyed the economy.

Unless the US decides to leave them to rot and the EU actually manages to function as one for once and commits to fucking them over, they can just keep going with barely any changes.

You can’t trust an insular nation to give a fuck about the rest of the world. Generally speaking, you can’t trust European nations and politicians to bother with the effort of building a new superpower when they can just kowtow to existing ones instead.


Brexit won’t work, let’s leave it at that.

Do you guys believe it is a rich, more powerful nation’s duty to help poorer people/ nations? (ex. Illegal immigration from the southern border, refugees in Europe)

Also gunz are gud lelxd

Let’s keep in mind though we have different opinions we all still live on this planet and should therefore not be mean and toxic


damn, nice bump my friend :smiley:

I wouldn’t say it’s a duty the powerful/wealthy nation is obligated to do, but I would say it’s something that would be good if they did, and is beneficial to overall world wide stability. Though, illegal immigration is definitely a gray area I would say would vary by person.


The answer is no. Just because I am rich, it does not mean that I am obligated to help poorer people.
However, if you suffer no harm from helping another, why not? If you don’t help someone even when there is absolutely no risk of harm to you, then ngl imo you’re kind of a dick

Guns are neither good nor bad in it of themselves- it is the populace that wields them that is either good or bad. However, restrictions MUST be put in place such that we minimize the number of crazy fucks who get their hands on them and shoot up schools/churches/etc

I mean, go tell that to the politicians- they don’t care


Duty? No I wouldn’t phrase it that way.

However, (and this especially applies to the US) wealthy nations do benefit from the development of poorer countries because once they develop they can start buying goods, and it’s better politically to help them now and have them as allies/trading partners rather than letting them develop slowly.


The thing is most criminals don’t get their guns legally so laws won’t really affect them. For example the Sandy Hook shooter stole the gun from his mom (i might be mistaken)

Yea watch kurzgesagt’s vid on Egoistic altruism

Sanctuary cities are big gae tho. For example, an illegal immigrant got ahold of a gun in SF and killed a woman. He disn’t even get in trouble. And most illegal immigrants who came from the southern border that commited crimes have already been deported once or more

I don’t have an issue with people who come here illegally to do legit work, but the sad truth is many illegal immigrants come here, have kid(s), and since the kid(s) are by default citizens, they can lug the rest of the family over. Then the whole family gets fat on welfare, and the hardworking middle class bois like us pay taxes so they can get free shit without working

Sanctuary cities= bad
Working hard = good
Illegal immigrants = depends

Border security is important, and illegal aliens who commit serious crimes (murder, robbery, assault, etc, should be punished as hard if not harder than normal citizens and green card holders because of course they’re not supposed to be here. And I don’t understand why some politicians think the wall is a waste of money when they waste billions of dollars on healthcare.

I’m a Trump supporter pls no rape


And Cortez is stupid and she has no idea what she is talking about. If she becomes head honcho (not a chance lmao) i might yeet myself off a bridge after kissing my money goodbye


While true on paper, a surprising amount of shooters have gotten their hands on their firearms legally- Parkland’s shooter got his AR-15 legally I believe

Here’s my view on illegal aliens
First of all, you’re here illegally. That automatically puts you “lower” in my eyes compared to a person who legally came. If you work hard and support the economy and pay your taxes and shit and dont leech off of welfare, then fine. I don’t really have a problem with you. But a lot of illegals do leech off of welfare, and drain tax dollars.

They believe healthcare to be necessary whereas they view the wall to be useless and ineffective. Simple as that.

As for Cortez, I really don’t know where’s she’s trying to go other than “free shit lmao”- shit just doesn’t spawn out of nowhere, SOMEONE has to pay for it. College is bloated as fuck right now, and a lot of people seem to blame the boomers for that.


yeet. Gun restrictions are necessary but restrict them too much and the law abiding citizens are left defenseless

I cant believe a bunch of nerds who play an isometric pixellated videogame are more level headed and reasonable about politics than people who do politics professionally (cough, 2016 presidential debate, cough)



We don’t have to get anyone’s vote, therefore we don’t have anything to gain by pandering excessively to one side or another or by posing as someone who’s overly aggressive and uncompromising.

If you don’t want asshole politicians, stop voting for the biggest assholes.

Ideally, immigration wouldn’t be needed and every country would be able to provide for its population. Sadly, that’s not quite how this works right now.

Immigration obeys the same globalized logic as multinational corporations: free choice of country based on economic criteria. It’s a bit weird to allow one and treat the other like something horrible and abhorrent.

If a country’s culture and identity are the most important, why let big foreign companies literally buy large swaths of the country and impose their way of doing business there?

However, the biggest issue is that the game is rigged from the start. Richer and more powerful countries are, directly or indirectly, manipulating the situation so that some country are in worse shape than they are (wars, poverty, etc…) and then either use these countries as cheap labor or military proxies or use their migrants as workers and potentially as easily manipulated source of votes for whatever political party.

You can absolutely hold migrants responsible for their own actions (especially when they end up killing or raping) but you can’t hold them responsible for the global politics that have fucked this whole situation up.


I don’t recommend saying that lol, because everyone said that about Trump, and look where he is now :joy:

isn’t this what the U.S has been doing for a good while? Unless I’m wrong, the government has straight up overthrown democratically elected foreign officials for not towing the line.


She already seems to have the same addiction for Twitter and media attention so it’s not like that comparison is purely a meme.

To be completely fair, the only countries that don’t do this are the ones who can’t afford it. Doesn’t make it any less of an asshole move though.


Yes. It did it during the Cold War- pretty sure the CIA sent in people to overthrow democratically elected communists


Strawman argument, please provide statistics.

Strawman argument, also you realize not everyone on the forums is in the middle class/lives in America right?

You have no idea how the justice system works in America.

Healthcare = waste of money?
Healthcare, 100% objectively, cannot be a waste of money unless we no longer need it.

I might be straw-manning here, but I find it hilarious how most conservatives say “abortion bad because human life REEE” and “we don’t want affordable healthcare because socialism REE”.


Wait a sec, wouldn’t they be charged with the crime+being here illegally?

Which is a greater charge, so wouldn’t they be punished more severely?


But I feel like relative to the punishment from the crime, the punishment for being here illegally would be considerably lighter and possibly relatively insignificant as it goes to the civil court instead of criminal but yes technichally it is a greater charge.