Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°)



There’s a lot of over-dramatization going on in politics right now. Don’t assume that just because somebody doesn’t seem to be good at their job that they’re automatically the worst.


Tell that to crazy far left democrats and some republicans

“Trump is literally Hitler.”


Extremists on both sides are causing huge problems for the entire political system. If everybody could just calm down and stop letting the few people with megaphones dictate what we think, things would be a lot better.


Yuppers, and if we could have actual discourse, these groups wouldn’t grow as much as they have nor have the amount of influence they’ve accumulated today. Radicalization is becoming a big problem in America after all.


She is the worst tho

She is the living embodiment of everything that is wrong with the far left progressive movement.


If you came into this discussion not knowing who Joseph McCarthy was, I don’t think you have a sufficient understanding of Congressional history to pass judgement on who was the most idiotic of all time.

Again, don’t let negative press coverage of people dictate your opinions about them; if everything the talking heads on both the left and the right are saying is true, then everybody in the current government is a complete dipsh*t.


Not only was he retarded enough to declare random people communists, he said that the US army was run by communists. How stupid can one get?


Lol chill my man


No u >:)

Just wanted to say that here lol


I would argue that having only two sides to your politics is the exact reason why you’re so fucked in the first place.

When you get to the point where your presidential election is a choice between some old rich asshole and Donald Trump, that should be the clearest possible sign something went really wrong.

(I should know, we’re beginning to have very similar problems in France)


I do hate to admit it, but capitalism has failed France, that and their government has become corrupt as hell. It’s disheartening to see people be bled for every dollar and penny they have, by the government itself no less.

aren’t those two one in the same? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)


George Washington warned of the dangers of political parties. We haven’t done so well there…


I know you’re probably not going to like this, but capitalism isn’t working. Trickle-down economics are a complete scam.

yeah that was the point I was making X)


I would add that if it’s how France and a few other countries handle it is the problem. Look at the U.S for example, while we have a capitalistic system, we’ve added semi SOCIALIST aspects to it (Welfare for example).

And I’ll agree with your point sorta, as pure capitalism would work as much as pure socialist and communist economies have (Which was horribly lol). The French government seeks to scam and essentially rob people of their hard earned money by raising taxes for the poor while the rich and government can sit on their asses for 5 more hours. Trickle down economics won’t work in this situation because they REFUSE to part with their money and instead expect the poor to pay for it.

(Note: I disagree with you, but I won’t REEEEE like a poopoo head and call you names just because you think a flawed system has flaws in it, that’s just dum dum)


You do realize France has way more welfare than the US, right?

Here’s the thing though: what, in the trickle-down economics theory, guarantees that the money will be reinvested in a way that benefits everybody? or even reinvested at all?

If you give money to the rich for no reason other than them already being rich, you’re basically paying them for existing. As such, where’s the incentive for them to do anything other than keep existing and keep being rich?

Then they just keep the money in storage or use it to speculate and it’s not going to create anything new or benefit the majority of the population. Giving the stock exchange bigger numbers to play with either doesn’t do shit or blows up in your face like in 1929 or in 2008.

By itself, the idea the modern right has of capitalism is flawed. You guys act like being rich automatically equates having a ton of virtues, even though a disproportionate number of the ultra-rich:

-were born in a family that already had a fuckton of money and connections
-gained money from speculation
-gained money from focusing on marketing and PR rather than on product quality
-use their power and influence to gatekeep so that nobody can gain any meaningful amount of power without befriending them

It’s not a meritocracy, it’s just a circlejerk of old assholes congratulating themselves endlessly. Just like the Oscars.


Muh free murket. Also who’s paying the rich money? because governments don’t do that nor does that happen in most economic systems (except feudalism but no one likes that anyway).

I actually did not :frowning: but it still doesn’t detract from my point that the U.S has adopted ideas from other economic systems (which is a good thing imo), and we’ve kept our head above water (With trillions of dollars of debt but that magically doesn’t exist because reasons lel)

Uh… I’m not right wing though. I’m actually a center left libertarian, so… RIP

But yeah, just because you have tons of money doesn’t mean you’ll be the most moral or nice person, and I do know that cuz look at Mark CuckerBurg, guy’s not only an reptilian robotic alien doll, but an asshole.

These are problems I have with the rich as well, but there’s few solutions in this situation that don’t involve either a revolution or governmental force. Though there is the wild idea that people band together and simply stop buying rich people’s products, which would ideally cause them to slowly collapse in on themselves as they bleed money, but people won’t do that sadly.

Ima call it quits for now, as I’m starting to get into shit I have little knowledge on, and I rather not prattle on if I don’t know what I’m talking about :confused:

Which is more than I can say for most politicians and political E-celebs.


True, the government typically doesn’t just hand wads of cash to the rich (at least not in public, at any rate) but that doesn’t prevent them from doing stuff like voting tax exemptions that disproportionately favor rich people or privatizing previously public services, which effectively ends up being the same thing.

The entire reason why French people are so pissed is because the government is dismantling the welfare we had. If we had always been at US level, there wouldn’t be riots in the streets like this.

I think there might be a few more reasons other than your economic system that explain why you’re so rich. Being the only major country that didn’t have to be rebuilt after the last World War certainly helped, for example.

I don’t think it “magically doesn’t exist”, I think it’s having an impact on political decisions, just not a spectacularly obvious one.

By French standards you’d probably be right-wing, but then again by US standards the French right-wing would probably be considered communist extremists.

You know, that might also be one of the reasons why corrupt assholes can get away with so much shit: because all the average folks like you don’t believe in their own competence when it comes to politics.

Seems like a major failure of democracy when the majority isn’t participating in the public discourse out of fear of being inadequate.


I actually have little knowledge on the complicated parts of economics though. While I do have confidence in myself when it comes to my political stances, I just don’t want to be like Ocasio Cortez and spout nonsense about stuff I literally know jack about and make myself look like a ninny.

Wont stop me from being president of the U.S tho :smiling_imp:

(Definitely agree with the last part, more people should speak in the public discourse, instead of letting the extreme parts of each party battle it out).


You haven’t been elected as representative, therefore you don’t have the same kind of responsibilities she’s supposed to have, therefore you have a lot more leeway to make mistakes and learn.

No… but the average number of votes the libertarian candidates get probably will :joy:



Liberal Man Bad