Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


tbf, everyone knows not to buy those. but new players might drop like 5 bucks on a covert, so i see your point.


Not even Sataru’s fan art? :3


If you guys prod the cat, she might scratch back! :smirk_cat:




I remember losing a great 4/8 archer with tops back in 2013 to a green potion. Back in 2013 tops were super duper expensive so I was extremely bummed. Never died to a green potion since.


Ah, green potions, how I hated them

A small rant on dungeon naming conventions (and why the name "The Shatters" sucks)

This is totally 100% a guess, but I think this is just one of those things that DECA has overlooked and just hasn’t had time to get around to with all of the stuff going on with Exalt’s release. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw tops in the nexus get removed sometime soon. I think it’s just one of those left over Kabam things that have yet to be cleaned up.

On the contrary, I’m more than okay with the sales of ST items via mystery boxes because the ST items seem like a sort of side reward for players who are just trying to get the ST skins, you know? It’s like they want to reward you along the way so that you don’t feel like you wasted your gold if you roll the box a bunch and don’t get the skin.

But yeah, I may make a full write-up on this because I think removing tops from the nexus is one of those QOL updates that needs to happen ASAP to remove yet another remnant of the damage left by Kabam.


I tend to agree with you on the ST items via mystery box, although I have a separate issue with mystery boxes in general, but that’s a different topic really (transparency of rates is important I think, as in always providing the odds for each loot tier in each box). But as far as the sale of ST’s, I don’t see it as poor-taste ethically speaking, or as off-putting to brand new players, as are the tiered equipment sales in nexus. The ST’s don’t really appeal to new players, because they are still learning the game, but the items they can readily tell are higher tier do appeal to new players and might get them to make those purchases. Also conversely, it is off-putting to many new players to see the direct tiered upgrades of their items for sale for cash in front of their faces.

So in summary I agree from my perspective, the ST’s is a much lesser sort-of ethical issue than the tiered items in nexus, and really the only issue I have with the STs is in the transparency of loot from the mystery boxes.

Edit: And I’d add that the day they remove the items from nexus, I’ll put in a 20 dollar gold order, just to support that move on their part. Shit I’d make it 40 if they put all the loot rates on all the mystery box tiers as in-game info.


Don’t forget the paywalling of new STs for campaigns worth up to $650. It’s not just sold in boxes.


I don’t mind these practices. They can go ahead and pre-release UT’s for ridiculous money if they want, so long as they release them as conventional drops after. Is it a greedy, shitty money grab exploiting vulnerable and wealthy players? Yeah, kinda unethical imo, but ultimately this practice doesn’t hurt the game actively, at least that’s what I think.


pick one


Adding to that, some dudes bought ST items with real dollars. I see people doing this and died with those ST item they threw using real dollars. It feels like throwing them down to the drain…

I mean I would rather throw my fame for dyes or clothes than gold simply because you need real dollars for that currency. I would rather throw my dollars for Vault chests, character slots, pet yard upgrade and skins.

Not pets themselves because if someone hacked in to your account and release you pet, you are going to feel your dollars has cheated on you. And who knows if the Support is going to bring back that pet or not since Deca has too many tickets to respond.

Fully agree. Adding to that, also be sure to forewarn any level one characters who are using WC tops/ST/White bag items, because if they died with them, they are going to have hard time getting them back. I have seen dudes doing this.

Throw your dollars for Vault chests instead.


I think the amount of people significantly affected by Deca’s marketing strats isn’t great enough to say it’s hurting the game, also I think their strats are very similiar to those employed in other mmos. Not to validate their actions, but they do “what everyone else does”


Tbh, I’ve never understood the whole thing against cheating. I’ve always enjoyed playing the game as is, but if people want to hack, it’s up to them. Someone having an ‘unfair advantage’ ultimately doesn’t really affect my gameplay (with the possible exception of receiving dupes while trading ig). I agree with DECA banning hackers, and players reporting it (because the ToS is being broken), but am not sure why so many people are sensitive about the topic.


Oh yeah another opinion (probably not as unpopular as the one above)

  • Knight is the best class


Skill matters


Also there should be more gods in the godlands, realm farming after a really long time gets boring, and you can only do LH so many times before getting burned out, not to mention it’s hard to get into O3 runs because runes have a drop rate worthy of an event white.


all the recent reworks are worse, ie. old lod, ceme, shaitan, and o2 were better


lod was impossible for melees to complete, and dps walls/random confettis (looking at you feargus), the current lod is fun and goes well with the game.

cem is now better and faster, and items are re designed

o2 was literally a knight wall, you just have to stun and it’s just a brainless fight


the old ones were steamrolled, yeah, but at least people were doing them

i’m lucky to see anyone even entering the new lod, ceme anymore, and the whole idea behind basic game design is to have it sticky for newbs (have them stick around)

if you’ve seen new content being tested before its official release, they’re always centered around a certain skill level, that is, when the tester seems content with what they’re testing (usually veterans of the game, right?), it’ll be released