Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


I somehow doubt that, seeing as I have played trickster before with no issues stemming from the lack of rotation/off-centeredness. Never got into assassin though…

Speaking of assassin… ASSASSIN SUCKS. Fight me. This is my unpopular opinion. Assassin is the worst class and its ability is bad


Barely play those classes, and when I do, I do a bit of rotating and off-centering.


Well all you need is some patience. What I just do I go in a rotate with the shots for a bit, and if I take too much damage (half health), I’ll just back off. In my experience this phase goes a lot faster than the other and I haven’t seen as many people get instad since it’s a gradual loss of HP. Unless of course you take the full 600 bomb.

It gets even easier when you rotate with a group since you just get healed and 100 damage isn’t all that much in the end.


In aussie wine cellars everyone backs off and leaves maybe 2 people to do the damage to pass the phase. I wish we had groups that weren’t afraid of suns or dance (both of em) but since noone does it or discourages others from doing it, cresting a vicious cycle of bad wcs


That’s even worse. If I couldn’t lock the ninja ability spacebar with right click trick, I wouldn’t ever play it, being forced to hold down the spacebar (or some other key). And continuously holding down a mouse key while smashing the mouse around is even worse. You keep the tension on your muscles for enlonged periods of time which is - pretty sure - super bad for you, or at the very least not comfy at all. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


Fair point, but it rather floats my boat, as I hold down with my fingers flat on the mouse, as if it’s resting on it. To imagine it, it’s just your normal mouse holding position with just a slight depression. It’s more uncomfortable for me to keep the fingers off the left click than to keep on holding it. This does not apply to everybody, and it’s a matter of playstyles (which is an argument that is getting repetitive).


It is important to let other people know that they’re objectively wrong. 8)


Dance isn’t that hard…if you get in in time, at least.
I think that with a little extra time before the lil’ red Scarabs start deploying AoEs, the phase’ll be a bit more forgiving to outer-edge people.


But sun is easiest because by now there should be a couple of palis an priests. The only thing that make it hard if npe or bad at dodging.


thanks guys !


It floats my boat too! I’ve tried playing with autofire and hated it; I much prefer being able to control exactly when I shoot and prefer not to be spraying bullets everywhere.

@RMGnoob- do remember also that this IS the unpopular opinions thread, so there will always be stuff here a lot of people disagree with.


Crown is the best item in the game.
Ogmur is the second best item in the game.
Void quiver is quite bad.
Ice spheres got buffed not nerfed.
Omni is not very good, sounds good but most of the stats dont make much of a change at all.
Bracer is super good.
Gemstone is super good.
Doom bow is much inferior to leaf bow.


ditto on gemstone


Potato is gud but decker wont gib me one


Also assassin is a good class


Shatters is a terrible dungeon and the only reason why it won’t get a rework is because how attached the community has come to its mediocrity.


It’s good.


bullet hitboxes should be their sprite, not their shadow like wtf this game is 2D, not 3D
DECA been owning this game for almost 2 years now and they still haven’t fixed this??


It just isn’t that simple
The way this game works is when you rotate your screen, your character always stays upright, and spinning your hitbox doesn’t make much sense. What doesn’t move, however, is your feet. Another benefit to feet hitboxes is that liquids only affect you when you walk in them


wait, everything has a rectangular hitbox? that’s even worse…

DECA should remove feet hitboxes and replace them with hitboxes that actually fit their sprite
said hitboxes cannot interact with tiles; feet hitboxes for living entities (players and enemies) will not be removed, but can only be affected by tiles

anyway, I don’t see what could be so hard about making proper hitboxes, like that’s so essential to a bullet hell game that RotMG calling itself that is honestly an insult to actual bullet hell titles like Jamestown and Ikaruga.