Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


Jokes aside, I do hope that O3 had a dance phase as well; dance is probably my favorite phase for both O1 and O2. I guess I just really like the dodging patterns involved.


Mystic is best class although buffing her dps stats by 5 each wouldn’t hurt.
ninja is amazing if you’re good at dodging. He does super high damage, melee or ranged with his shuriken.
omni is overrated. if you arent playing a wismod class, its basically a pyra+nile abomination.
Potato is a good ring
Conflict should not stasis, but curse only. Changes the mystic playstyle into more dps focused instead of crowd-control.
Huntress is better than archer: easier to hit slows/paralysis, can provide healing and berserk, has damaging trap options, and has a freaking turret drone thingy. Also, can archer stack their abilities? Exactly
Doom Bow is still really good
Sts should not be similar to rare whites (soul of bearer/Conflict, Deathless Crossbow/voidbow, old etherite/cdirk)
Electric needs to be nerfed so other pet abilities seem appealing. (ex: attack close/mid/far should provide soulbound.


Entropy set is bad




Pets ruined the game. Totally neccesary to make money, but raw stats on pets would’ve been a better option than what they are now.
because no one with a maxed pet can die from dmg over time they have to come up with one-shots because is the only way to kill maxed chars with maxed pets.


You can’t use the best weapons, get no wis and only 120 hp


Cutlass and fallen though? Wismod is meh on non wand classes, you still get 10 def and 9 spd to compensate.


You dont get a piercing wand and you can’t use a splendor, pixie or any sword with more than 4 range.

Also wis is pretty important when you’re using a scepter of devastation for the 2nd target. nvm can’t read


Piercing wands aren’t that much of a must, the only time I use them is to clear/o2, not saying they’re bad of course. At max pixie range you only hit one shot, minuscule damage, when the situation calls for it use cutlass for dps and ass for safety


@Mynamerr explained it for me.


Then be NPE or just quit the game.

My alt is currently NPE, hard but at least it gives me the experience of how the game was before pets.


This statement seems contradictory. How can something be the best and yet need buffs? Mystic is an awesome class and I think it is mad underrated but I don’t agree that it needs buffs.

This made me smile; I love doom bow!


Aha you don’t have to give him an ultimatum like that.

Pets seem pretty okay to me, although I didn’t play before pets so i wouldnt really know the experience. Pets make the game more casual while allowing everybody to easily get more loot.
Perhaps there is loot inflation, but thats what end game dungeons are for.


Abyss needs rework.

This is why upgrading pets to Legendary and Divine is expensive as heck.

  • Tenne, being the most powerful and desired item in the set, should be a drop from the 3rd thicket boss instead of the 1st one.

  • Some of the current fame bonuses (boots on the ground/mundane/thirsty/etc) are extremely outdated and don’t reflect the way people should play the game. They encourage abuse of the game mechanics and need to be removed or reworked.

  • I hope Oryx’s Sanctuary, once it comes out on production, will be as rare as wine cellars during the golden age. It should feel like a special event instead of being just another dungeon that you can grind 24/7.


Some of the current fame bonuses (boots on the ground/mundane/thirsty/etc) are extremely outdated and don’t reflect the way people should play the game. They encourage abuse of the game mechanics and need to be removed or reworked.

I’m not sure how unpopular this opinion is. It is widely held that the current fame system is broken (and has been for years), and these methods of gaming the system are a big part of the problem.


WTH? They are good fame bonuses though…


Yeah they give a lot of fame, but by limiting the playing experience. You shouldn’t be rewarded for not using your ability when it can be used to help the group. Pacifist is just leeching. Boots on the ground is promoting raid style play where you just have a key popped for you and follow the group. It’s honestly ridiculous that many of these were implemented. Fame bonuses should reward you for things you did, such as cartogropher, leader of men, slayer of gods, tunnel rat, and accurate, and not things you didnt do.


I was going to make an argument against this, but then I realized you meant it being powerful relative to the other pieces.
I don’t get the appeal of it, though - it seems like a bit of a dps-obsesser’s armor…


I don’t get the appeal of it either. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s pretty much the only unique thicket drop that most people find “valuable”.

I’m just extremely tired of 30-40% of the players leaving the dungeon immediately after the first boss is killed during thicket runs.