PT: Crystal Cave


Is server down?


for now, it is.


God status
I spammed the box


Waiiit its on?


No from e :b: i c udl/abyss


O ok


Your number of apples isn’t in the triple digits? I am unimpressed.


That’s more like it!




I got tired of waiting for the box to finish Im sorry that I failed you :frowning:


admin onyl know why?




dam it still closed rip.


I’ve gotten all 500 of them.


11 hours :v.


It closed again


ffs it was open?




How long ago did it open back up?


I woke up 2 hours ago but it was on before i went to bed


I’ve been keeping an eye on it since I woke up, and I woke up as soon it was closed so they could fix it.