Quantum vault


Quantum vault

Organize your valuable loot and useless mark with this

the concept
It keep your item in easy accessible way and

how to obtain
It drop from tinker quest chest

Drop rate

0.5% from tinker quest chest
2% from epic tinker quest chest

Brought from shop for

900 realm gold

How it works?

it basically all your vault chest compacted into
One hi tech vault with cool interface


  • Search item by name,type
  • sorting system with many sorting mode
    • Sort by alphabet
    • Sort by time
    • Sort by expensiveness
      (Always update to real-time realm economy) [spacial thank to realmeye artificial intelligence]
    • Sort by rarity
      (determine by average drop rate of item)
      no drop rate included

Extra features

  • This quantum vault also come with 16 item slot
    first time use only

  • When use for second time will give player exclusive features

Able the player to put in(deposit) item from anywhere once per dungeon
(I mean you can put in items but can’t take it out)

  • When use for third times will able gift chest sorting

Item in gift chest will have orange background instead of grey color
You still can’t put item back in gift chest

Patch 1.1
Nerf portable vault

  • Player can only use portable vault features only once per dungeon

Patch 1.2
Nerf drop rate from tinker chest

  • Reduce 2% to 0.5% and 8% to 2%

Patch 1.3
Nerf 16 item slot that included

  • First time use only

Patch 1.4
Add more extra features

  • When use for third times will able gift chest sorting

this also encourage player to use a vault and discourage play to use mule account
so it benefits DECA server and reduce lag

Worth considering an Ideas: Quality of Life category?

Please comment
Oh he is typing


As a drop, no. As a feature, especially to sort my gift chests? Yeah, as an NPC.

Also, those extra features… Too much on the OP side for me. Perhaps someone else could analyse the impact of portable vault depository better than me.


Gift chest aren’t included :disappointed_relieved:


hmmm is there really a need for a search option when there’s only 16 spaces?


I mean it unlock 2 normal vault chest for free

“it basically all your vault chest compacted into
One hi tech vault with cool interface”


Something like this is definitely nice to have, but i doubt it will make it into the game. Think about the tinkerer and how simple its function is and how long it took for them to build it. This is vastly much more complex, and will take alot of resources on Deca’s part to implement it bug free.

I honestly think the Deca employees would rather be creating new item/dungeons rekins/event chests than create an interface that mostly benefits the few that already have alot of vaults.


new reskins/event chests******


Thats a good point, ill edit my post appropriately.


everything except

is perfect.


It’s because it’s too op in case you didn’t get it…

In clands it’s endless farming

When you’re in a dungeon and scared of dying, you can quickly pick the items you wouldn’t want to lose and vault them.

Just too wrong to be able to vault from anywhere.


I changed it


I like this idea. It would be really good for people who have lots of vault chests and cant remember where stuff is in them


oh that’s nice


A bit too op on the special features. Also, the drop rate is a bit too high. Go for 0.5% from quest chest and 2% from epic. Quest and epic chests are easy to earn


Anymore suggestions?


Why does no one seem to understand???

Free vault chests = less money for deca
Free vault chests = bad idea

I do like the idea of a vault chest sorting feature, but I don’t think a vault chest sorter is an item that should have rng attached to it. I think it would be better if the vault chest sorter were an item that could be purchased for a choice of 2500 fame 200 gold.


I like your idea, though I think it should be only purchaseable with gold, and it should only offer the sorting feature. That way it just makes it easier for people with many chest, gets money for deca, and isn’t op. Win-win-win.


It isn’t worth enough to be only purchaseable with gold, especially since it wouldn’t even sort gift chests. No one would buy it.


How does it make sense to sell 16 spaces for 200 gold/2500 fame when 8 spaces cost 500. Or do I misunderstand what this vault space does