Quantum vault


Still op and causing deca to make less money from vault chests. Still needs a nerf.

Free vault chests = less money for deca
Free vault chests = bad idea


It just 2 free vault!
If you really want to spend money on This game
2 vault isnā€™t enough


No, two vaults is not enough, but with this item people will need two less vault chests in order to have as many as they need/want. 2 vaults is 10 American dollars less for deca per person that obtains this item without paying. That adds up to a lot of money!


You sound like you getting pay from DECA company :thinking:


@shatter (realm elders)
I want to hear your thoughts on this idea


Iā€™m not, I just like being able to get monthly updates to the game I love from a company that cares about the game. The very fact that you can obtain 2 free vaults from rng, however low the chance, will still make people less likely to buy vault chests. That, in turn, hurts decaā€™s revenue, which then causes deca to not be able to allocate as much resources to realm.


That your opinion okā€¦
Here my opinion

but with this new tinker quest system( current one) people will need many (5 - 6)more vault chests in order to do tinker quest effectively 6 vaults is 30 American dollars per person That adds up to a lot more of money!


OK, sure. However, once those people have enough vaults to engage with the tinkerer quest system, they will be less likely to buy more vault chests because they have a chance at getting them free. My earlier point still stands.


Ok you winā€¦:confused:


I think somthing with a nice menu would be neat.

But thats it just a menu, no extra space.


Yes. Also no special feature where you can place things into your vault from random dungeonsā€¦






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