Quiver of Doom - New (Unique) Quiver Idea


OK, any suggestion?


moved to items


Should the +1 Maximum MP be nerfed? It gives an extra ability usage, which might be too game-breaking.

  • Nerf the +1 MP
  • Keep it (quiver is underpowered without it)

0 voters


Honestly, you should make it have a 99% chance of instakilling and 250% fire rate. It is too underpowered.


That…is ridiculously OP. No sane person would do that.
Really though, I need serious feedback before I send this to DECA.


You should go with POWER’s idea and make it apply Dead.


I like where POWER is going…

Maybe I should make it the Coral Quiver o’ Thousand Dooms.

But it would be underpowered either way.


Wow - oryx with beserk and unstable? Goddamn no-one would be left alive.


You make a good point. Oryx should have this quiver too.


So what I’m seeing, not to criticize, but I see that someone has spent only 10 minutes on this idea and made it mostly a joke.
First of all, The sprite has different sized-pixels, not 10 by 10, not sure that can be don’t in game without looking weird.
Second of all, The sprite is literally a Quiver of Thunder mashed up into a dbow and edited.
Third of all, The triple drop rates are way too OP. If added, the item would be abused, and that stat would be removed.
Fourth of all, The largest possible MP of archer is 542-

??? !!!

realizes the whole thing is a joke


I knew it as soon as i saw the sprite. (reminded me of this)


what a meme


Idk y the minority are thinking this is a joke…
It clearly shows a lot of effort, even the sprites are unique and took hard work.
(That doesn’t mean that it was me who made the sprites, its unique when the creator made them).

Since this is going to DECA, please realize that this is not a joke. :confused:


+420 def, +666 vit, +69 HP


Why is no one taking this seriously?


:ok_hand::eyes::ok_hand::eyes::ok_hand::eyes::ok_hand::eyes::ok_hand::eyes: good go౦ԁ thats :heavy_check_mark: some good​:ok_hand::ok_hand: right​:ok_hand::ok_hand:there​:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: right​:heavy_check_mark:there :heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:if i do Saү so my self :100: i say so :100: thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳIᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMmМ:100: :ok_hand::ok_hand: :ok_hand:НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ :ok_hand: :ok_hand::ok_hand: :ok_hand: :100: :ok_hand: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :ok_hand::ok_hand:Good


You inspiring monologue has convinced me to send this ability idea to DECA early. Thank you.

I will proceed to do so right now.


Very nice, looking forward to it in the next update


boi, it had a chorus!


please replace the hyperlink with this hyperlink?