Quiver of Doom - New (Unique) Quiver Idea


I’d love to see this in game, but the drop locations are strange…I think that’s the point tho, and also I love the design of the sprite a qot and doom merged together to create a quiver.


that is impossible.

if you were to look at this from an actual objective standpoint as to what makes an actual good idea this is very bottom-of-the-barrel. Have you even seen Puffagod’s stuff?

but on the other hand, if you were to look at this from a shitpost standpoint, it doesn’t even hold a candle to Trofimowens square set.

this has superiors in both directions, and therefore cannot be the best of either worlds. Personally I find this to be extremely boring and try-hardy, and generally unamusing. But I can accept that others find this funny, just not that someone can possibly consider this the funniest.


It’s a joke


I feel that Trof’s joke was worse than this. Wasn’t even funny, everything was just squares.
It was the replies that made it good.


delete this


You can actually use this item by drinking mana tincture first.


better sprite:

thank me l8r


Why you bump this by 1 month? plus OP and (hopefully) all his alts are banned here. close mods??


it’s still a living idea, just needs slight improvements imo =(


that kind of looks like a bulwark-doombow crossover though


huh guess it does lol, I just used QoT colors on Doom Bow.


Hilarious, you’re too hopeful!


When is the 4th shatter boss coming out, cant wait to get this quiver :joy:


I can’t wait either :smiley:


Can’t wait for this topic to die


Maybe Deca adding the fourth that’s boss in testing? Gr8 idea btw


“The +1 mana adds an extra ability usage, a bit op”


Woah, it’s Moobattle


@moderators Could we pls just end this obviously troll thread. Its not funny and never was, not to mention it has been necro bumped a million times now.


Buff this, too underpowered