Quiver of the Horrendous Past


If I were you, I’d lower the damage to 310-370, so slightly higher than QoT, but with a higher MP cost. I’d also remove the Spd debuff and add +2 Att and +2 Dex. I’d also reduce the Slow time to 2.5 seconds.

The sprite is okay, by the way. It’s not my favorite, but if it were shaded to be somewhat like the color of an Att ring’s gem, I think it’d look better.

Overall, not a bad concept, but it’s unbalanced. 5/10.


Yeah, when I looked at the sprite again, the colors didn’t really fit in. I was trying to make it darkness themed since it drops from the Archmage.

I feel you with the damage debuff, but not so much with the att and dex. The quiver’s already giving curse, so I dont really think there should be any offensive stats increased.


i think if anything this would be used as a swapout just to fire once against a paralyzed target or a dazed one. The Damage is not the point of the quiver as much as the effect and utility so the curse and slow should be the best part of this quiver. The qot has a 6 sec cd making the dmge on this quiver pretty ridiculous while still having an amazing effect of curse AND slow.


Yeah, but the MP cost and the duration makes this kind of on par with QoT.

QoT’s 4 seconds of Daze vs QoHP’s 3.5 seconds of curse and 2.5 seconds of slow.


the qot has a cd of 6 seconds meaning this would be the highest dps quiver by far the t6 only being average 320. So i’m saying that this quiver not only gives a higher dps than other quivers but also curses which makes dps shoot straight through the roof not only on quiver but bow also. If there is no cd you can also just perma slow and curse tho can’t you?


Changed the damage earlier.

I might add a cooldown of 3 seconds.

EDIT: Made it 5 second cooldown


the problem i have is that curse is too op with the added damage from the quiver. Even if the quiver did 0 dmge like sorcerer it would be viable if you could almost perma slow.


The quiver doesn’t do the damage of the curse.

And did you read this?



if it’s fulmi you mean it still does damage


oops i meant mystic


Yeah I know, but it still looks really weird and quivers in realm don’t have it anyways. I would recommend taking that part out of the sprite.


lol the description reminds me of the Vex from Destiny.


You are forever lost in the dark corners of time.


*orgasmic quivering *


The Templar summons its Oracles.



Atheon opens the timestream

“wait SHI-”


Please stop before this gets put into offtopic lol


1.) We stopped 3 days ago.
2.) The post will never be moved to #off-topic. The posts may be flagged as off topic, though, which I’d discourage, because I don’t like flags.


1.) I just noticed the 3 days ago thing.
2.) Good to know.


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