Rainbow Staff


you can just rotate screen, Making the “can’t move off target” pointless


This is an absolute mess. I’m not even going to look at the details of the weapon but the red flags I can already list are: shots have a chance to do something, weird effect thing doesnt even work because you can rotate your screen, -5 wis means necros and mystics wont even use it, and wizard has cosmic so…



I think this could be a cool vanity, just make the damage 10-20. And remove all the other insane effects.


It’s basically a super strong wand


tf 400% rof…


I love the sprite :slight_smile:
The gem on top looks very nice and the staff isn’t to complex




dear god… just no…

Terraria wants its description back :joy:


game cannot render 400% rod, especially for wizard

Also I would count dbow as sort of a laser weapon


Oh Gawd-dayum it, I HATE Godes!


I actually like farming gododoes a lot, especially with a loot drop potion


I have a gododo farm in my back garden.


You forgot to add that the staff looks pretty bad spritewise


i’m so sorry to hear you suffer from acute lack of eyes


I kinda remaked your sprite because I can’t see the rainbowy effect of the staff, idk if its worse or greater, but I would like to add my version into it.


also you forgot to add your weapon projectiles!


Sprite is bad.
And its a bit to useless


It’s true!


Im sorry to hear that your mother suffer from lack of abortion legality



Sorry pal, I beat you by a few weeks


I meant about items that are aleardy in game , how could i know you posted something b4?