Revising the Esben Staff!


###Staff of Esben

Yup, this waste of a white bag, here I’ll be improving it’s stats to make it more useful!


  • Tier: UT
  • Range: 7.2 -->7.4
  • Damage: 60-95 -->50-80<img
  • Stat Bonus: +1 att, +3 spd -->+1 att, +3 spd, +3 dex
  • Special properties: Shots hit multiple targets -->Shots hit multiple targets + Armor Piercing
  • Amplitude: 1.35 -->1.1
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
  • Feed Power: 700 --> 900

####Drops From:

  • Esben the Unwilling

####More info
Why did I do this? The Esben staff is not that good, and I wanted the rest of the community to experience the new and better Esben Staff! I first realized to make it good, I had to give it armor breaking, allowing it to trump other staffs on higher def monsters. I also reduced the “arc” of the shots, to make it easier to control.

Chart that compares it to other staffs:


Can it still curve around corners though? Because that’s probably one of my more favored aspects to this staff.


The amplitude did go down from 1.35 to 1.1, so there isn’t going to be that big of a curvy effect.

On top of that, the range did go up from 7.2 to 7.4, so it’s going to shoot even straighter…

However, these changes shouldn’t actually be too significant… I don’t think.


im sure u meant that instead of

but it seems that you’ve done a pretty good job! I like the damage and how it balances w/ the other staffs.


Thanks! I was a bit rushed, and could have read through again.


Yes, it still does, I wanted to keep that aspect of the staff, but make it easier to use.


Remove the Attack and Dexterity off the staff and increase the damage and RoF threshold, it’s a big pet peeve of mine.


ATK ad DEX stats can be affected by weak and daze more effectively than the damage or rate of fire.


I added the Dexterity of the staff, but also reduced the damage to balance that.


I think i’ve just now realized the problem of being one of the people who actually like this item, i’m not sure if I should even-


OKAY, okay, okay, okay Let me just state my opinion right off the bat, the Esben Staff is a godlike staff that is on the perfect line of balanced, not even kidding, this staff is so good to me that if I play a staff class without one, I feel like i’m playing a bow class without a Doom Bow, I’m just empty.

Whatever, to the actual argument, prepare your reading glasses.

Starting off the with the boost to range and the shrinkage in Amplitude, sounds good right? More Range? Always good, Less Amplitude? Easier to hit your enemies, ding ding good thing right? No. This ruins the primary aspect of this Staff, which is shooting around corners, the shrinkage in Amplitude tightens the shots which makes it much more difficult to shoot around corners, and the increase in range stretches it out, which also makes it more difficult, the few times I got to use this staff in a Shatters where we had to keep it clean, this thing was the key to success, it’s like it was specifically designed for the Shatters, it’s that good, But it’s not just good in the Shatters, it’s good for basically any dungeon where piercing would be effective, which, surprise surprise, is a lot of dungeons, even if you have to curve your angle so you only hit a single shot, all of the staff classes have incredible attack stats, the Wizard and the Necromancer have 75 atk, and the Mystic has Curse, the damage is still notably strong and in large crowds the piercing more than compensates for it.

Okay, next stop, the damage change and the Armor Piercing, Do I mind? Yes. Why? Now it’s overpowered, if the Crystal Wand got it’s average damage reduced by about 20 and gained the ability to pierce again, would that be broken? Absolutely. The thing about staffs is their weakness to high defense targets because every staff has two or more shots, so armor piercing for a staff would be a good idea, i’m not going to argue that, but keep that to it’s own staff, don’t give a staff two unique factors, that’s too much, it makes the weapon a lot more situational, which the piercing factor already gives it.

I’m rather confused about the dexterity boost, just, why? Just boost the fire rate slightly, it would have the same effect.

The feed power I don’t really mind, but I’d never feed this beauty regardless.

That’s what I’ve gotta say about this staff and why this revision would ruin the staff, if you wanna get into a full on discussion / argument about this, i’m just warning you, you’ll have to do a lot of reading.


It’s not OP. Look at the DPS chart. For much less dps compared to other staffs, to have a piercing ability. This is balanced, although I would make amplitude a tad higher.


Although stats could be revised, looks good though.


I love this staff already. The piercing is decent to me along with its normal damage. I like it the way it is.


its fucking ass bro


I still like it.


The armor-piercing and multiple targets has to be separate from each other, or else its an over-powered cwand. Though, I do not disagree with the Esben Staff getting a buff.


i love the thing :slight_smile:
i feel u bruh


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