Rkigoo's ideas and bugs 2


1: An option to toggle your pet’s abilities on and off individually.

2: A way to pay gold, in order to change the abilities on your pet.

3: A way to refine the items that show up in your gift chests, for example, you could set it to show only keys, or dyes. It would of course reset, every time you entered the vault. This would save a lot of time spent going to nexus and back, looking for a specific item in your gift chest.

4: A way to remove pet skins.

5: On the ninja class, make it so there’s a way to release the space-bar, without using you shuriken. Maybe you could have a different hotkey for the speedy ability or something.

6: An easier way to switch out weapons, rings, etc. Maybe an option to set hotkeys to switch out items in your inventory.

7: Fix the payment methods to buy gold. Whenever i try to buy gold using Amazon Payments, it always says “Sorry, this payment method is currently unavailable. Please try again later or select a different payment method.” Its been like that as far as i know, since the new payment thing got put into the game.

First one: Rkigoo's Ideas


No. It would be too OP.

The rest, why not…


Read this post explaining why the aiming is not an issue.

TL;DR : Your shots’ hitbox are the shadows, not the shots themselves, this is because of the offset to make the game more ‘3D’


I didn’t know that, thanks for explaining and sharing pfiffel’s post ^^


probably wont happen b/c this would screw those people who didnt get electric, but you never know[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
2: A way to pay gold, in order to change the abilities on your pet.

ehh ok[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
3: A way to refine the items that show up in your gift chests, for example, you could set it to show only keys, or dyes. It would of course reset, every time you entered the vault. This would save a lot of time spent going to nexus and back, looking for a specific item in your gift chest.

i guess that would be nice[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
4: An option to remove cloths/dyes, from the change skin thing in the vault.

yeah a common complaint[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
5: A way to remove pet skins.

ehh…im personally against it[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
6: On the ninja class, make it so there’s a way to release the space-bar, without using you shuriken. Maybe you could have a different hotkey for the speedy ability or something.

i personally like this, it makes it so you can’t just release and press too many times, and convinces you to keep on holding it[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]
An easier way to switch out weapons, rings, etc. Maybe an option to set hotkeys to switch out items in your inventory.

no[quote=“Rkigoo, post:1, topic:5409”]

what poopy said


Thanks for telling me :P. i got rid of that.


Can you elaborate @Scorchmist.


many people get non-electric pets just to not screw up tombs, but with this, the reason not to chose electric is so minimal, that those people that didn’t pick electric will start complaining.


oh. i see what you mean.


Would destroy the whole point of using abilities with no function.

RotMG makes more money by people messing up their pet than they ever could from paying gold to switch the ability.

… i guess i don’t see anything wrong with that.

Or just remove every single one of those cancerous things from the game. Like what the hell is RotMG becoming…

… or just… get used to it? I always imagined that Ninja just simply had trouble running fast while also throwing the shuriken, so he ends up doing one or another.

The game was designed for you to not be able to shoot accurately while changing abilities. This change would cause unintended consequences.

Although it hasn’t stopped some from using custom programs to swap abilities.

Rkigoos ideas 3

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