Rotmg Doodles


Xaklor uses this ninja skin.


Doesn’t necessarily have to be a male. I’m not going to get too into it but there’s different ways of interpreting it. As @Piggby demonstrated, he said he used that skin above. So skins can change the interpretation of a gender by its sprite but its really whatever you really think. Some skins aren’t as obvious as others.


That’s true. At first, I was a little confused.


the mystic’s orb reminds me of a masterball from pokemon


Really good art, but why do the mystics always look so sad? :frowning:


I’m just gonna

Lovin’ the Ninja ones.
For obvious reasons.


Good to see someone else finds enjoyment of the ROTMG heroes in art. If I wasn’t a sucker for the classic MSPaint I’d probably use shading and celling. Anyway, watching this thread, can’t wait for more!


Rheamazing Art Contest! (Community Prize Scaling!)

sorry it’s been a while, I’ve spent most of my free time the past month working on my Dye Tool instead of drawing or making dungeons (yes, I still do that too). anyway here’s two new ones I’ve finally gotten around to:


“Mystic needs pots, I have pots, maybe if I give her pots she will like me.”

Meta Doodles:

me irl, if I was a girl. and a ninja. and had red hair. and had brown eyes. and used a normal pencil. and used a 3 legged stool. and actually made that face.

new personal favorite. :heart:


So a completely different person?





ppe btw lel xd


and since it’s the holidays…

-“HO HO HO, HO’S!!!”-

Sullen Blade

you do NOT want to know where that thing has been.

Winter Exploration

Winter Exploration full

Fortunately and unfortunately, we haven’t gotten anywhere near this much snow where I live.

Meet the Rogue

Meet the Rogue full

Rogue likes what he sees, Ninja’s not so sure.

also the original guild hall walls looked too similar to the floor, so I made it a stone wall instead of a wooden one.

Jetstone Crawler (DRS)

Jetstone Crawler color

-What appears to be an inorganic construct or golem is in reality an insect-like creature encased in a hard, rock-like shell. Jetstone Crawlers are easily identified by their large light crystals embedded into their backs and forelegs. These crystals facilitate the crawler’s dark magic abilities by drawing out all light within the crawler and concentrating within themselves. The crystals then slowly diffuse the excess light into the surrounding environment, illuminating the area. When the Jetstone Crawler is strained for power against a particular strong opponent, the crystals rapidly discharge bursts of light in all directions, both “cooling down” the crawler for more dark magic abilities and adding a new power to its offensive arsenal. Jetstone Crawlers feed on just about anything, wearing down prey or would-be attackers with powerful dark magic attacks or sheer numbers. They hunt in large packs led by a much larger Jetstone Magnate, although individuals separated from the pack are far from defenseless. Jetstone Crawlers are usually passive when not actively hunting, especially when resting and diffusing light built up from a recent battle. However, if a threat is detected while the pack is dormant, the Jetstone Magnate will drive the pack into crazed, berserk state. Few individuals have ever survived a jetstone frenzy, it is advised to not provoke a pack of Jetstone Crawlers under any circumstances. -

Follow the rules! [forum game]

Done. Note I can’t unlock the OP. We can continue to do this periodically for you, or you could either start a new thread or start adding all your additions to a reply and we’ll add a “see more here” link at the bottom of your OP.


I like this option, make the link go to the “ppe btw lel xd” reply please.


bad, need to update with new sword


Nah, just say he survived the “machinegun phase” :+1:


Perhaps start a blog or simple webpage to put all your doodles, tons of free ones out there.

I use Weebly, but only because I already had an account already


if I end up doing this more frequently (something I wouldn’t mind, I just don’t always have time), that would be something I’d consider looking into. for now I’ll put up with forum bugs.


since today I’ve unveiled my Stone Caves of Nores 2 , I can post this drawing of Lordeus, the Soulsword.


and since it’s the holidays…

-“HO HO HO, HO’S!!!”-


Awesome art! Wish I had the time and persistence to actually learn to draw ^^


experimenting with backgrounds drawn from scratch instead of from RotMG tiles. nothing fancy yet.

Sullen Blade:

you do NOT want to know where that thing has been.

REEEE realmeye hates my tall image, click on it to get the whole thing I guess.